This Fitness Program in Calgary Truly Understands Moms

Jody Robbins October 18, 2017
Maria Schuba Fitness

Having kids is a common (and understandable) excuse to stop working out. But as tempting as it is to give into Netflix, exercise makes us feel great and more energetic mothers. That’s why I’m a fan of the affordable, flexible classes offered by Maria Schuba Fitness.

Specializing in personal training and fitness for prenatal and postnatal women, Schuba (a mom of two), coaches women on how to lead an active life, pre and post baby. This certified Personal Trainer and Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness Specialist offers Total Body Fitness, a six-week group class to help us regain our strength and more importantly, our confidence. No childcare? No problem. Babes and children are welcome, as are mothers-to-be.

“I don’t believe moms should have to choose between childcare and fitness. These classes are designed for busy moms who want to incorporate exercise into their lives, but not at the expense of sleep or having to shill out for a babysitter,” says Schuba.

Held outdoors as long as the weather holds, classes rotate throughout parks in southeast Calgary in the communities of Mackenzie Towne and Auburn Bay. Come winter, classes move indoors to a studio in Auburn Bay.

Each class is different, but combines a mixture of strength and cardio training. “I’m not about getting you back into your skinny jeans—though it’s quite likely you’ll firm up and lose weight as a result of attending Total Body Fitness. The goal is to feel confident, strong and good about ourselves. I want moms to move through life with ease—where picking up a child’s carseat isn’t a Herculean effort and you’re able to keep up with your kids,” she says.

At 45-minutes, classes are efficient and take place Tuesday and Thursday evenings, plus Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Pay for once, twice or three times a week and drop in whenever you like. Schuba understands the curve balls moms are thrown, so there’s no need to sign up online prior.

Schuba also runs Strength for Moms, a speciality class to help heal postpartum bodies. This class is ideal for those of us who’ve had a C-section, suffer from diastasis recti or pelvic organ prolapse. Peeing when we sneeze or exercise makes us prime candidates for Strength for Moms, too! Classes work the core and pelvic floor area, with focus on proper alignment as we build strength with resistance bands, kettle bells and dumbbells.

Held once a week in Auburn Bay, this indoor class also runs 45-minutes. The first class begins with pelvic floor restoration and we progress from there. Each session builds on what we’ve learned the previous week. Sometimes babies are incorporated into the workout – but we’re not required to bring our babes to class—free weights can be used instead.

For those not a fan of group classes, Schuba also offers Mobile Personal Training. She’ll come to us and keep us accountable in the comfort of our own home or outdoor park. Classes are tailored depending on our goals and Schuba brings all the equipment. We especially love how this flexible session works around our schedule, not the other way around.

As a bonus, participants in all Scuba’s classes get additional support through a private member’s Facebook page with additional workouts, fitness tips and recipes.

“These are more than workout classes. We’ve established a thriving community of supportive women who encourage each other to be their best. It’s not competitive, but you will absorb the energy of other moms and likely surprise yourself with how energetic you’ll become when given the time to focus on your body and health,” avows Schuba.

It’s time to put ourselves first, and amping up our fall fitness routine is just the way to do it.

To learn more or register for for Maria Fitness, visit

Or email: [email protected]

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