Pick of the Week: A Road Trip Story with Heart and Humour


Who couldn’t use a little escape in the form of a road trip these days? If an actual road trip isn’t in the cards right about now, a fun adventure in the form of a novel is maybe the next best thing.

Vancouver-based writer (and our own Vancouver editor!) Christina Myers’ debut novel The List of Last Chances tells the story of Ruthie, who finds herself unemployed, newly-single, basically homeless, and drinking too much. At the age of 38, she knows she needs to make a change. With nothing to lose, Ruthie responds to an ad placed by David, who needs someone to drive his mother, Kay, from PEI to his home in Vancouver.

The List of Last Chances novel

But you know what they say about the best-laid plans…

Ruthie is looking for a change of scenery and a boost to her bank account. But Kay has her own ideas about what this journey is to be, which differs significantly from the direct route her son is anticipating.

Kay directs Ruthie to take her on a sightseeing trip down memory lane. And Ruthie discovers that she wants to help Kay revisit a long, lost love. These reluctant travel companions eventually forge a new friendship that is integral to the other’s second chances.

Driving from coast to coast is an adventure no matter how you slice it. But driving from coast to coast with a pair of travellers who are on vastly different emotional journeys is an escape on many levels.  Christina Myers’ The List of Last Chances is a welcome opportunity to hit the road and explore with heart and humour, without worrying about the price of gas.

The List of Last Chances is available in paperback on Amazon.ca.




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