Pick of the Week: 4 Pocket Allowance Money-Saving Kit for Kids

4 Pocket Allowance

I think we can all agree that teaching kids about money is important—but it’s usually best if it’s simple to understand and easy to do. That’s why we’re fans of this cool little product: The 4 Pocket Allowance.

This binder with four clear pockets is a comprehensive allowance system that kids can see and touch, designed to help guide your child into putting their money into the four different pockets: Saving, Giving, Investing and Spending. Each pocket can be taken out when you need to use it—and there’s even a “Reserve” pocket for parents, where you can stockpile some change to give out at allowance time.

We love the idea of giving kids control of their lives (when it makes sense, obviously)—and giving them control over their own money now when they’re young is a great way to help them understand the value of money and the difference between wants and needs.

So smart. We wish we had this kind of system when we were little!

You can find more info, including tips and advice on how to get started at 4pocketallowance.com.


4 Pocket Allowance is available for $24.95 on Amazon.ca.


This post is sponsored by 4 Pocket Allowance, but the opinions are our own.


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