

Superfoods We Love: Pomegranates

On the surface, pomegranates seem like more of a hassle than they’re worth. The tough outer layer renders only the seeds and subsequent juice edible, and getting at the ruby red gems always seems to cause a huge mess of staining red juice. Although challenging, the health benefits make it well worth it, this fruit is a nutritional powerhouse and a true superfood.

Why we should eat pomegranates:

  1. The seeds, or arils, are nutrient dense. Being high in vitamin C, K, B5, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron. That surely makes it a tastier multi-vitamin than the chewy drugstore variety.|
  2. There is a compound found in pomegranates, punicalagin, that has been shown through studies to benefit the heart and blood vessels, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and increasing the rate at which heart blockages melt away.
  3. This wonder fruit also contains high levels of flavanoids and polyphenols which are potent antioxidants offering protection against heart disease and cancer.
  4. Pomegranates are also said to protect the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin by encouraging cell regeneration, helping in the repair of tissues, healing wounds, and encouraging blood circulation to skin that is healing.
  5. One more thing? Pomegranates provide skin with compounds that aid in protecting against the free radical damage which can cause sun damage, sunburn, and skin cancer.

This ancient red fruit certainly packs a nutritional punch. Here’s a tasty idea, add pomegranate juice, some brown sugar, and a splash of cider vinegar to a pot and reduce over medium heat until syrupy. It will create a sticky and sweet glaze perfect for ribs, roasts, and even ham.

Just to add one more item to the pomegranate’s long resume of health benefits, a glass of pomegranate juice may contain more antioxidants than red wine, blueberries, cranberries and even green tea. Is anyone thinking what I’m thinking? Pomegranate Berry Sangria? Now, that’s a tasty and fun antioxidant elixir.


Easy Father's Day Gifts - SavvyMom

5 Easy Father’s Day Gifts to Make Dad Feel Special

Dads always say that Father’s Day is not a big deal. And, despite the plethora of Father’s Day gifts that may or may not include ties and socks, dads usually claim they neither want nor need anything. Be that as it may, the important men in our lives deserve to feel as special and valued as much as moms do.

I learned to tell my kids what I actually wanted for Mother’s Day after being disappointed one too many times. I suspect the dads in our lives may not be so upfront, nor could they think up these sorts of ideas for themselves.

With these sorts of easy gift ideas (that can usually be done last minute, even) the dads in our lives will know how much they mean to us and may even get some ideas that will work in our favour the next time Mother’s Day rolls around (hint, hint).

My best gift is on the top of this list and it’s now something I expect to receive every Mother’s Day. And it’s an idea that dad will love, too. These easy Father’s Day gifts are ones that no dad would ever be disappointed to receive again and again. Let’s get these traditions started!

5 Easy Father’s Day Gifts for Every Dad

A List of Love

I looked back on the cute Mother’s Day crafts sent home from school in their younger years and realized I still wanted a version of that. So I asked my kids for a list of five things they loved about me. (I had also just watched A Marriage Story on Netflix and was so thoroughly depressed at the ending.) My kids’ creations were very different but exactly what I asked for. Now they’ve started doing that (completely unprompted, mind you) for my husband as well. Dads like to know that they’re appreciated, too.

Easy Father's Day Gifts - Outing

A Day Out

Whereas moms work hard and the ideal Mother’s Day gift for most is a day of nothing. Dads usually get the fun jobs (hey, I realize I’m totally stereotyping here, but if the shoe fits…) and aside from some late-night tv binging, it’s fair to say they’d rather be out and about. Planning a fun outing with dad is one of the easiest Father’s Day gifts and a great way to spend quality time with that special guy. And now that our country is opening up (slowly, but surely) after the pandemic, it’s a great chance for your whole family to blow off the cobwebs and a little steam.

SavvyMom Fathers Day Ideas - Hotel X Porsche Package

A Day Away

While Mother’s Day hotel packages are chock full of spa visits and fancy tea or brunch, Father’s Day hotel specials feature everything from golf to steaks to rides in iconic sports cars and everything in between. Toronto’s Hotel X takes the cake with their Porsche Drive Experience. Dad’s weekend getaway starts with the Porsche DriveExperience’s concierge delivering a Porsche 911 right to your door, along with a suggested scenic route to the hotel. The Porshe Package includes:

  • Accommodations in one a Hotel X suite
  • Daily rental of a Porsche 911 (subject to availability, other models available) with concierge delivery and pick-up (75km maximum from North York’s Porsche location)
  • VIP Preferred parking at the hotel
  • Suggested sightseeing routes in Toronto
  • A deluxe picnic basket and a few suggested destinations from the hotel to explore

The best part about this package is that *you know who* will likely be going along for the ride.

 A Clean Car

Even if it’s not a Porshe 911, dad’s car is still worthy of a good cleaning and even better if he’s not the one doing it. A gift certificate to a local car wash or detailing service would be very much appreciated by ANYONE, making it one of the easiest Father’s Day gifts for dear ol’ dad. If money’s tight, heading outside with a bucket and sponge and having the kids tackle the ol’ minivan themselves (under your supervision, of course) still makes a thoughtful, and useful, gift.

SavvyMom Fathers Day - CITRUS Penny Collection
CITRUS Canadian Penny Collection

Penny for His Thoughts

Bookmark (literally) this one for next year. CITRUS creates personalized pendants and charms designed and made in Toronto. Established in 2007 by Karen Lamont, CITRUS is known for quality, handmade craftsmanship, timeless meaning, and exceptional service. The Canadian Penny collection pieces are framed in silver and crafted from actual Canadian pennies. Choose a pendant, bookmark, keychain, or cufflinks and your penny’s year (from 1928 to 2012) for a gift that is meaningful and uniquely Canadian. (From $32 for a pendant to $158 for a pair of cufflinks.) Their men’s collection has so many great pieces you’ll know where to turn for Father’s Days to come.

Father's Day Recipes Dad Will Love - SavvyMom

5 Father’s Day Recipes Dad Will Love

With Father’s Day around the corner, now is a good time to think about how you’ll make dad feel special this weekend. Thinking of cooking for your foodie guy? May we suggest one of these five insanely delicious Father’s Day recipes? Dad is sure to love them.

5 Father’s Day Recipes Dad Will Love

The Ultimate Homemade Beef Burger

You fancy yourself an adventurous soul, and you’re not afraid to make bold choices when it comes to most things in your life, including the food you eat. So, why settle for a boring and bland burger topped with ho-hum toppings (we’re looking at you, tomato, onion, and relish.) If you’re looking for a burger recipe with a little more oomph, this one’s for you.

These yummy, homemade beef burgers are packed with bold flavours, including Dijon mustard, fresh thyme leaves, and loads of grated aged white cheddar, and we’ve used the best beef we can get our hands-on, to let the meat really shine. The result? A juicy, delicious, and flavour-packed burger that you will feel proud to serve at your next bbq or family dinner. Our advice? Pass on those typical toppings and instead reach for some fresh baby arugula, sriracha mayo, and some top quality pickles. From the very first bite you’ll know why it’s one of our favourite Father’s Day recipes.

Lime & Honey Grilled Chicken

Now that it’s summer, we’ve switched off our ovens and have turned our attention to the mighty grill. Quick, easy, and practically no clean-up, make us love this style of cooking. Here we’ve created a recipe for lime & honey grilled chicken that is seriously going to rock Dad’s world. So, go on, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get your grill on!

Spaghetti with beef bolognese sauce

Spaghetti Bolognese

Spaghetti Bolognese is one of those perfect Father’s Day recipes for many reasons. It’s amazingly delicious and, odds are, most of the members of your family like it, the sauce can be made in advance and be bubbling on the oven which cuts down on last-minute work and it often yields leftover’s which dad will love.

Poached Eggs in Marinara Sauce

If dad’s a fan of poached eggs, but he has not yet tried them poached in marinara sauce, then this is a perfect recipe for him to wake up to on Father’s Day. The sweet tomato sauce pairs perfectly with the soft and runny yolk of the egg. Heaped onto buttery toast or crusty baguette, this is one super easy but (super sensational) dish.

For this recipe we’ve used a classic tomato basil marinara sauce, however, in a pinch, you can just pop open a jar of your favourite tomato sauce and get it piping hot in the skillet before you crack your eggs into it. We think it’s the perfect breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Crepes Stuffed with Chocolate Hazelnut Nutella Spread

Nutella-Stuffed Crêpes

Making crêpes at home is actually not as intimidating as you may think (we like to think of them as a really thin and super versatile pancake.) For this recipe, we’ve kept things ultra-simple. A basic crêpe batter brimming with some deep dark chocolate hazelnut spread (we like Nutella.)

Not a fan of Nutella? The best part about crêpes is that really, you can fill them with whatever you like (think whipped cream and berries, caramelized pears and dulce de leche, cinnamon-spiced apples and vanilla ice cream, or even savoury versions like chicken and mushrooms.) No matter, we promise once you try these super simple crepes, you will never be intimidated to make them again. And dad will swoon over these delectable treats, for breakfast, lunch, or even dessert.

Tips to Get Kids to Try New Vegetables - SavvyMom

How to Get Your Kids to Try New Vegetables

I once read about a great tip for getting kids interesting in buying, cooking, and eating vegetables, and it seems far too savvy of an idea not to pass it along. If you’re struggling with encouraging your kids to try new vegetables, this might help with the picky eater(s) in your house.

Every week, take your kids to the grocery store or market and ask them each to select two different vegetables. Take the veggies home and decide together how you will cook them (flip through cookbooks, search for online recipes, or create something on your own). Cook things you already know they like, such as fries (sweet potatoes), chips (use kale!), guacamole, and smoothies (try a green smoothie), before building up to new dishes to introduce them to.

When you serve the vegetable the kids are sure to get so excited over seeing ‘their’ produce on the plate they are guaranteed to try new vegetables, even if they don’t always like them.

Isn’t that so smart? Here are a few other tips I have collected over the years:

  • Trying serving the vegetables first. Offer a fancy crudité platter or salad as a first course before serving the main meal. Because the kids are sure to be hungry, they will scarf down loads of veggies before filling up on pasta, meat, and other items being served for dinner.
  • In order to get kids to try a variety of bell peppers try playing a game with them: ask the kids to close their eyes, give them some fresh pepper sticks to sample and see if they can guess the colour of the pepper by the taste.
  • Let them try their vegetables with any kind of condiment they like, even if it means adding some ketchup to the plate. Eventually they will acquire a taste for the vegetable and ditch the flavour additions altogether.
  • Come up with silly names for the vegetables to make eating them much more fun. Dinosaur trees are so much cooler than broccoli!
  • Model enthusiasm for fruits and vegetables and the kids are sure to follow along eventually.

Do you have trouble getting your kids to devour their fruits and veggies? What are some of your favourite tricks and tips for getting them to eat their greens (and other colours of the rainbow)?

Writing a Thoughtful Thank You Note to Teachers - SavvyMom

How to Write a Thoughtful Thank You Note to Teachers

With the school year coming to a close very soon, it’s important to take the time to say thank you to the teachers who have spent the year working with and helping our children. And of all the gifts a teacher can receive, a simple thank you note may be among the most memorable. Even if you choose to purchase a gift as well, sitting down with your child to compose a letter of thanks will be well received and much appreciated.

A few things to remember when writing your note:

Handwrite the letter: Do not have your child type their letter. Instead, have smaller kids dictate their letter to you and you can write it, or have them do it themselves if they are of the right age.

Use a proper greeting: Start the thank you note with ‘Dear’ and not ‘Hi’ or ‘Hey.’

Express gratitude: Be sure to include a sentiment of thanks within the letter.

Be specific: Customize the letter for the teacher by telling them what it is you and your child will most appreciate or remember.

Talk about how the teacher influenced the child: Lessons learned don’t disappear the minute the kids walk out the door. Be sure to include one example of how the teacher will have a lasting impact on the child.

Show appreciation: Give another example. After all, this is the point of the note.

Include a proper sign-off: Instead of simply signing a name at the end of the letter, include one of the following, plus a name: Sincerely, Love, With Kind Regards, Yours Truly, Best Wishes, Our Deepest Thanks, Warmly. Don’t forget to add the child’s last name or their last initial as well, as teachers often have multiple students with the same name.

Here’s a sample of what a thank you note to a teacher might look like:

Dear ________________,

Thank you for being a wonderful teacher!

My favourite part of the school year was ___________________________.
I loved it when you _______________________.
The coolest thing we studied was ___________________________.
I like how you did/do ___________________________ to help me learn.
You are really great at ___________________________.
I will always remember ___________________________.
I am so glad you were my teacher because ___________________________.


One last thing to remember: don’t email the thank you note. Be sure to deliver it in person, or send it via snail mail if a personal hand-off isn’t possible. Most teachers like to keep their thank you notes, and having to print them off the computer is a hassle, not to mention less personal as well.

Father's Day Gift Ideas - SavvyMom

Father’s Day Gift Ideas any Dad Will Love (Spoiler Alert: No Socks!)

It looks like Father’s Day is sneaking up on us again already. If you were hoping to snag a gift for the dads in your life and time got away from you, don’t panic! We’ve rounded up a list of Father’s Day gift ideas that cater to a variety of interests and you’ll be able to have delivered to your or dad’s door in time for the big day.

Fingers crossed that this will be the year to work out an outing or visit! But, in the meantime, you can still get the perfect present for your pops and the wonderful father figures in your life.

Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Foodie Dad

Meat Delivered To His Door

Get it from Carnivore Club Starting at $40 |

If you’ve got a jerky lovin’ dad who gets a kick out of trying new foods, Carnivore Club has a monthly meat subscription box he’s guaranteed to love. Treat him to different handcrafted salamis, prosciuttos, bacon, jerky and more one time, once a month, every other month, or every three months. Maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll share!

Father's Day Gift Ideas: BBQ Scraper - SavvyMom

A Barbecue Scraper That’s Not A Pain In The Mouth

Get it from Amazon |

These bamboo barbecue scrapers will keep dad’s grill lookin’ fresh without worry of leaving dangerous wire bristles behind. Over time, the scraper will contour to the grill grates on your barbecue making them a match made in heaven.

A Smoker Box to Add Some Oomph to His Barbecue Game

Get it from Amazon |

For the dad who hasn’t been able to get his fix in a while, this handy little smoker box can be thrown onto the barbecue and filled up with wood chips to smoke his own meat at home. The manufacturer is so sure your pops is gonna love it that it comes with a lifetime money-back guarantee.

Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Sporty Dad

The Best Golf Balls Around

Get them from Titleist |

I asked my dad, who’s an avid golfer, what the best balls out there and the Titleist ProV 1 were his instant pick. You can find them at your local pro shop in addition to ordering online. If you really want to go the extra mile (and you’ve got the time), you can even get them personalized with words, numbers and logos.

A Fitness Tracker That Does It All

Get it from Fitbit |

For the dad who wants to keep track of his steps, heart rate, health and wellness the Fitbit Sense is a fitness watch with all the digital bells and whistles. The features are just about endless and include on-screen workouts, a sleep tracker, guided breathing sessions, an app dashboard, music player, and more. The Sense puts heart health first with an Electrodermal Activity (EDA) sensor and an ECG app.

A Yard Game He Won’t Be Too Chicken to Play

Get it from Amazon |

It’s target practice with a hilarious twist. Flickin’ Chicken is a yard game everyone in the family can get on board with. Dad will love the fact that you can make the rules whatever you want them to be, so whether he wants to play this game with his buddies or his kids, he’s got the yard games covered.

Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Outdoorsy Dad

Movies on the Go

Get it from Amazon |

This summer is going to be all about creating your own entertainment. This projector comes at a great price point and can hook up to your device without any cords. It also has a built-in speaker system so you’re all set for backyard movie night. All you need is a flat, plain surface to aim it at! A little note from personal experience – you won’t be able to use any streaming services without hooking the projector to your phone using cords, but you can wirelessly play any videos you’ve downloaded directly.

A Lifesaving Straw

Get it from MEC |

Let dad impress (or freak out) all his friends by taking the Life Straw to the dirtiest puddle he can find on his next camping trip and taking a big sip. The LifeStraw removes up to 99.99999% (seriously – that’s what the website says) of waterborne bacteria and 99.9% of waterborne protozoan cysts from drinking water, making forgotten water bottles a thing of the past.

A Grill that Goes Everywhere

Get it from Amazon |

Whether you’re camping, visiting friends, or heading out for a picnic, let dad take his BBQ skills on the road. This not-so-little charcoal grill accommodates 8 burgers at a time, comes with a heat-resistant handle for easy carrying and can be assembled in about 5 minutes.

Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Indoorsy Dad

Father's Day Gift Ideas : Lay Down Daddy Games - SavvyMom

A How-To Book for Tired Dads

Get it from Amazon |

Sometimes all dad really needs is a nap. Lay Down Daddy Games features 25 games that he can “play” with your kids while secretly having some much-deserved rest.

The Comfiest Slippers Around

Get them from Amazon |

If dad has ever asked what all the hype over UGGs is for, he’s gonna be convinced once he pops his tootsies into the Ascot slipper. The wool lining is soft and warm and the outsole adds a nice level of support. The toughest choice you’ll have to make will be whether to order these slippers in leather or suede. Word to the wise – get them about 1 size bigger than he normally wears.

A Deadly Planter

Get it from You Concrete Me on Etsy |

Help the dad in your life spruce up his desk space with this badass geometric skull planter or pen holder. It comes in a range of colours and it’s sure to have everyone at work talking (and if his office is at home right now, you’ll get to enjoy it, too!)

A Reminder that Time Doesn’t Stand Still When He Goes to the Bathroom

Get it from Amazon |

We couldn’t resist throwing at least one gag gift on the list. If the dad you’re shopping for seems to lose track of time while scrolling away on the can, this little toilet timer is the perfect addition to your bathroom’s decor.

Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Tech-Savvy Dad

A Gift to Guarantee He’ll Never Feel Lost

Get a 2-pack from Amazon |

Finally, a Tile that sticks to stuff! This waterproof Bluetooth tracker has a 3-year battery life and 150-foot range. The tile can help dad find things he’s lost in a variety of ways; he can make it ring or see it on a map using the app, and he can recruit the tile community to help him find something he’s misplaced out of range. He can also use a tile to help him locate his phone – even if it’s on silent!

A Blast From the Past

Get it from Amazon |

Shake it like a Polaroid picture! For the nostalgic dad who loves the look of old-school Polaroid photos, the Polaroid OneStep 2 will take him right back to the good ol’ days of point and shoot photography. Film isn’t included with your camera purchase, so make sure to pick him up a pack of colour or black and white!

Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Handy Dad

Father's Day Gift Ideas: Shop Vac - SavvyMom

A Gift that Totally Sucks (But…In a Good Way)

Get it from Home Depot |

Yes, this is a vacuum, and I think there’s some kind of unwritten rule about gifting people vacuums, but hear me out. I don’t know about your dad, but mine loves detailing his vehicle. Get him all the best tools for the job with a shop vac and car detailing kit that has 7 tools to get into every nook and cranny.

A Tool That’s Totally Tiiiight

Get it from Canadian Tire |

This 7-piece flex head wrench set will help him tighten every bolt in the house without breaking a sweat. Each wrench can pivot 180 degrees making it easier to access fasteners tucked away in tricky spots.

A Gift to Kickstart his Heart. Er…His Car.

Get it from Costco |

Can this teeny battery pack seriously boost your car? Yup, and your laptop, and your phone. This little guy is small enough to tuck away in a glove box, but powerful enough to boost a 12 V engine. A full charge can boost up to 30 times and the device can be recharged in 8 hours. This is another one of those gifts that dad will love showing off to his buddies.

For Every Dad, Regardless of His Hobbies


Get it from the bottom of your heart for FREE

To come up with this roundup, I surveyed all of my dad friends to ask them what their ideal Father’s Day gift would be. While most of them said they would love any of the items on the list above, one of the most popular answers I received was a little bit of alone time to get caught up on hobbies, TV, or sleep! As a parent, I love spending time with my kids and my husband, but I have to admit that the gift of alone time is a rare and valuable one. So, if you’re looking for a totally FREE way to show your husband or dad that you love and appreciate him, the gift of TIME is an awesome option!

What are you getting the dads in your life for Father’s Day? Let us know in the comments!

On Fathers and Daughters and What It Means to Be a Dad

Dad. Vader. Baba. Tatay. Papa. Apu. Babbo. Tata. Abba. Babbas. Pai. Pop.

However you spell it and no matter how you say it, the words all mean the same: Father.

Now that it’s June and Mother’s Day has come and gone, fathers can look forward to their special day.

The relationship between fathers and their daughters is both special and complicated. Although mothers feel softer and are often seen as the nurturers, there’s something special about snuggling with dad. Something about the strength in his arms, the broadness of his shoulders, and the sound of his voice that makes a girl feel safe.

However, by the time she’s ten or eleven, a young girl is likely to create physical distance between her father and herself as she embarks on her journey towards becoming a young woman. The pang of rejection is often difficult for a father as he struggles to maintain the same closeness that a young girl will often reserve for her mother. This is the complicated side of being father to a daughter.

However, don’t be fooled into straying too far. Try not to take this personally by realizing that this has nothing to do with you. This is your little girl’s first step towards defining personal boundaries with men especially. You are the very first man in your daughter’s life and how you respond to her creating this space will send a strong message about having her needs heard and respected. Try to find other ways to remain close. Settle for being able to hold her hand briefly as you cross the street. Relish the moments when she’s tired and rests her head on your shoulders.

If you show her unconditional love and acceptance, if you listen to and respect her needs, she will expect that other men in her life will too. If you show her unconditional love, she will not allow herself to become engaged in relationships with men who love her only if she looks or acts a certain way. If you show her respect, she will expect other boys, and eventually men, to treat her as their equals. She will choose partners who listen to what is important to her, validate her and encourage her to assert herself.

When a young girl takes time for herself, maintains hygiene and cares about her grooming and is acknowledged for doing so by her father, in particular, this will be very meaningful. So, when you say something like, ‘Wow, you’ve cut your hair. I love the way it frames your beautiful face,’ she will glow. When you say ‘You handled yourself so well in that situation. You asserted yourself. You expressed your thoughts so clearly,’ she will be thrilled that you have noticed. The way in which a young girl sees herself reflected in her father’s feedback can encourage or discourage her towards becoming a self-confident woman.

As well, the way in which a girl’s father treats her mother’whether they are living together or apart’ also creates a template for the way in which she will expect to be treated. If she sees her father care for, respect, and speak highly of her mother, this will not only foster even greater love towards her father but will also provide a model for her future relationships.

Biology can help a man become a father, but it takes time, effort and careful intention to be a dad. A dad may have given you life or may have come into your life later on. The person who plays the role of dad may also be dad to your mom. He may even be mom’s brother. Being a dad is a huge responsibility but also an awesome privilege. This Father’s Day, take a few minutes to reflect on the role you want to play in your daughter’s life and the amazing opportunity you have to shape her future.

Children’s Books That Celebrate Multiculturalism

What better way to expose children to the diversity of cultures, backgrounds, languages, and food traditions in our country than to choose a book that celebrates multiculturalism for your next bedtime story? These new picture books explore timely themes in subtly and digestible ways for little ones, feature wide casts of relatable characters, and tell stories that will be sure to bring a smile to your face as you read them.

8 Children’s Books That Celebrate Multiculturalism

Where Are You From?, by Yamile Saied Méndez | Available here

In this picture book, the complicated question “but where are you really from?” prompts a young girl to reconsider her own sense of belonging and turn to her Abuelo for answers. He teaches her to embrace her heritage and feel confident about where she belongs.

The Proudest Blue, by Ibtihaj Muhammad | Available here

In this story, young Faizah is mesmerized by her older sister’s new sky-blue hijab and watches excitedly as Asiya wears it to school for the first time. She’s surprised when she sees that her sister is greeted at school with unkind words and bullying rather than admiration, but she is inspired as she watches Asiya refuse to let others’ cruelty get her down and remains proud of her beautiful blue hijab.

Bilal Cooks Daal, by Aisha Saeed | Available here

In this picture book celebrating family and tradition, young Bilal can’t wait to share his favourite meal with his friends. Together, they spend the day preparing a big pot of daal, learning to have patience as the ingredients take time to slowly simmer. The book even features a daal recipe at the back so that you can try it at home.

Planting Stories, by Anika Aldamuy Denise | Available here

This picture book brings the true story of library Pura Belpré to life. After arriving in New York from Puerto Rico in the 1920s, Pura soon finds a job in a public library. She begins spreading her love of the folk stories from her home, soon publishing her own, and builds a career as a champion of bilingual literature.

The Someone New, by Jill Twiss | Available here

This adorable picture book with classic watercolour illustrations tells an important of-the-moment story. Jitterbug the chipmunk is comfortable with life as it is and is happily surrounded by familiar friends in the woods. Change scares her. But when a snail named Pudding arrives seeking a new home after his garden was flooded, Jitterbug must learn to put aside her fears of “The Someone New” and welcome the stranger into her home.

Encounter, by Brittany Luby | Available here

This beautiful book, inspired by documents from Jacques Cartier’s arrival in North America in 1534, reimagines the first encounter between Indigenous fisher and European sailor. Their interactions demonstrate how we can both acknowledge our differences with others while also appreciating our common humanity.

Sulwe, by Lupita Nyong’o | Available here

In this poetic book written by Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong’o, a little girl is born with darker skin than her family and friends and after years of name-calling, learns to see her own beauty and love herself inside and out.

Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao, by Kat Zhang | Available here

This book tells the endearing story of a little girl who is determined to make the perfect bao, even if it takes her all day to do it. The story is a testament to the power of determination—and it features a delicious bao recipe at the back so you can try making one too.


Related Reading:

Kids’ Books That Teach Self-Control & Self-Regulation

Summer Day Camps in Vancouver - SavvyMom

8 Great Summer Day Camps in Vancouver

It’s hard to believe summer is around the corner–this spring just flew by! Before we know it, school will be out and the sun will be shining. With summer day camps in Vancouver back to normal levels of enrolment and programming, now is a great time to plan ahead and figure out which ones may best suit your family. In fact, most camps register well in advance of summer time slots, so there’s no time like the present to plot out the summer fun – even if you’re still waiting for that summer weather. Here’s some top-notch options and remember to check camp websites for updates as restrictions change…

Summer Day Camps in Vancouver

City of Vancouver Parks and Rec

A host of summer camps will be running at community centres around the city, featuring a mix of activities for all ages. Some camps are full-day sessions to help provide childcare during the entire summer while others operate for morning or afternoon sessions. With everything from nature camps to cooking camps, along with swimming, arts and crafts, and more, there’s a great mix of options that are sure to be close to home for everyone.

SFU Summer Camps

The ever-popular SFU summer camp programs are always a great choice with a mix of outdoor programs, online options, and sports activities. With everything tennis to soccer, and a mix of programs with unique titles such as Mountain Madness and Girls Rock, there’s program that will appeal to budding scientists, athletes, engineers and much more.

Pear Tree Education

With camps running all summer long for children aged 5 to 14, Pear Tree has one of the most extensive summer camp offerings. They also offer camps in multiple locations around the region: Burnaby, Vancouver, East Vancouver, North Vancouver, and in White Rock. Camp offerings include everything from cooking to sports, technology to arts, along with music, dance, academics, and more.


There’s a reason this organization has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years: plain and simple, kids love it. Well known for their biking camps and education programs, Pedalheads has added swimming camps and trail hiking programs over the years, and now offer a full line-up that will appeal to every kid, at every age, in cities around North America. With most programs fully outdoors, it’s also a great option for fresh air, exercise, and fun. Registration opens in mid April.

FDT Academy

The Fostering Debate Talent Academy is gearing up to offer another eight-week summer debate program for summer 2023, open to students from kindergarten to grade 12. The sessions are ideal for both new debaters seeking an introduction to the sport of debate and for current or ongoing students who want to continue to develop their skills. FDT, which opened its doors in 2016, is the only debate and public speaking academy in BC with students who have become members of both the Canadian National Debate Team and the Canadian National Speech Team. Private lessons are also available.

Arts Umbrella

With camps at both the original Granville Island location in the heart of Vancouver as well as in South Surrey, the arts camps offered by Arts Umbrella are known for their high quality programming. With hands-on sessions in theatre, music, dance, visual arts, applied arts, and media arts, there’s plenty on offer to allow students to explore, learn, be curious and have fun. This year’s lineup includes a return of a variety of programming with more slots available – still, these are popular camps, so register early.

Vancouver White Caps Soccer

If you’re going to gain soccer skills, why not head to the experts? The Vancouver White Caps run soccer camps around the region for a variety of skill levels and ages. With a focus on both fun and technical skills, the camps include games and scrimmages and run for either full morning or afternoon sessions. This year, there are also overnight camps available for kids who’d like to have a summer getaway.

Earth Heads

It’s a perfect year to get outside, have fun, and learn about the nature in our own backyards. For the budding green thumbs or biologists in your family, there’s a variety of options for younger children at Earth Heads. Kids will be immersed in nature at spots around the Vancouver region, with a chance to explore the environment and local ecosystems. Summer camp registration is not yet open but check back often – these spots fill fast.

Summer Day Camps in Calgary - SavvyMom

Summer Day Camps in Calgary

If your kiddos are planning to attend day camps in Calgary this summer, it’s already time to start thinking about signing them up. Whether you have an artist, athlete, actor, butcher, baker or candlestick maker in your family, there’s a camp for kids of every age and interest area in YYC. Registration for many camps fills up quickly, so we’ve rounded up some of our favourite options for you and your kids to check out while you’ve still got time!

Summer Day Camps in Calgary

Mount Royal University |

Times: 9 am-4 pm  with complimentary before and after care from 8-9 am and 4-5 pm
Cost: $304-$390 for 4-5 day options
Ages: 4-15 years

Mount Royal University has a ton of incredible summer day camps in Calgary for kids interested in just about anything you can think of! This year, camps are geared towards kids from kindergarten age to grade 9. Registrants must be the appropriate age for camp by the first day of camp.

A few of the exciting camps for kids between 4 and 5 to look forward to include Active Kids, Critters and Crawlers (exploring the natural world of trees, flowers, and of course, BUGS) and Prehistoric Preschoolers (filled with fossils and dinos galore). Kids between 5 and 9 are gonna love camps with themes like Magical Adventures (think potion making and dragon egg decorating) Junior Robotics, Maker Lab (for kids who love working with their hands), C.A.T.S. (Computer, Art, Theatre and Science)) and Rising Stars (for budding actors and dancers).

For kids between ages 9 and 12, tons of fun new themed camps are being offered, like Astronauts in training (prepare to take part in simulated astronaut training and build your own space suit!), Global Sports and Reel-2-Reel Film School. One special camp being offered for kids in grades 5-9 is Achievers – a free camp for kids with physical disabilities who want to check out para sports like wheelchair basketball and goalball.

Kids between ages 12-15 also have a range of fantastic camp options available to explore, such as Youth Science Academy, All About Architecture, Art Attack, Young Aviators and Young Game Designers.

Quest Theatre |

Times: 9:00-4:00 with drop off from 8:30 and pick up until 4:30. After care is available until 5 pm.
Cost: $350 for 1-week camp (Journeys for ages 6-8 and Treks for ages 9-12) or $580 for 2-week camp (Expeditions for ages 12-15). Register 2 or more kids to receive $25 off per child. Register for 2 or more camps and receive $25 off per camp. Bursaries are available to access programming for families in need. Applications must be submitted by May 31.
Ages: 6-15

Quest Theatre has some amazing camp opportunities for the budding actor or actress in your family. Campers will love getting the chance to perform in the beautiful, high tech studio theatre at cSPACE King Edward and will also spend lots of time outside enjoying the sun. In each camp, participants will work together to come up with creative ideas to use for a final performance piece to be filmed of performed live on the final day of camp!


Times: All camps run from 9 am to 4 pm and have complimentary before and after camp care. Before care begins at 7:30 am and ends at 5 pm.
Cost: Prices vary depending on camp theme and range between $320-$760.
Ages: Grades 1-12

It’s never too early for your kids to start exploring their interests to see where they might take them one day! Camps at SAIT vary in length from 1-4 weeks and are each linked to a SAIT program or career pathway. Many camps are even taught by SAIT instructors or industry professionals. There are over 100 (yes, you read that right – one hundred!) different summer camps to choose from at SAIT. With everything from Hockey, Literacy, Coding, Science and Sports for kids in grades 1-2 to Adulting 101, Baking, and Autobody and Trades camps for high schoolers, your kids will be thrilled to explore the endless options for summer fun in the program brochure! There is an optional lunch program available which requires pre-registration. For families with financial need, there is an opportunity to apply for a bursary to cover the cost of 1 week at camp.

YMCA – Camps In The City (Indoors with some outdoor activities) |

Times: 8:30-4:30
Cost: Prices vary depending on the theme of camp
Ages: 4-15 years

In multi-activity camps, kids will take part in all sorts of activities including singing, art, traditional camp games inside and outside, court sports, climbing, swimming and more. There are also themed camps available, such as dance, drama, swim skills, visual arts, and more!

YMCA – Camps in the City – But Outdoors (at Camp Riveredge) |

Times: 8:30-4:30 daily
Cost: See registration portal for pricing
Ages: 6-15

Located at Sandy Beach Park along the Elbow River in Calgary’s Southwest, kids at Camp Riveredge’s multi-activity camps will love playing traditional camp games, climbing their way over the low ropes challenge course, and trying their hand at archery and bouldering. For riders interested in a bike-themed camp, Riveredge Bike Camps give kids a chance to explore the bike trail network in and around Sandy Beach while learning about riding techniques, safety, bike maintenance and more.

YMCA – Overnight Camp Outside the City (at Camp Chief Hector, in Kananaskis Country) |

Times: Camp Chief Hector offers Overnight Camps ranging from 6-day camps to 13-day camps and month-long camps (for 16-17-year-olds). There are also day camps available for 6-9-year-olds as well as a 6-day family camp!
Cost: Prices range from $380 to $4000 depending on camp theme and length.
Ages: 7-17

Activities and amenities at beautiful Camp Chief Hector include archery, canoeing, horse corrals, high ropes and a climbing tower, and tipi and yurt accommodations. Kids at Camp Chief Hector learn the value of teamwork, practice their social skills and responsibility, and learn how to take risks in a safe and encouraging environment, helping to foster their self-esteem, creativity, leadership skills and more. Hikes, biking and overnight campouts are just some of the great activities that kids at Camp Chief Hector will get to enjoy! There is also a Day Camp option for kids between the ages of 6 and 9 years.

Calgary Zoo |

Times: Camps for preschoolers are half-day camps from either 9:00 – 12:00 (before care available at additional cost) or 1:00-4:00 (after care available at additional cost). Full-day camps run from 9:00-4:00 with additional childcare available for $50 per week for before care (7:30-9:00) and $50 per week for aftercare (4:00-5:00).
Cost: $170 for 5 day weeks/$136 for 4 day weeks for preschool camps; $295 for 5 day weeks/$236 for a shortened week for older children. Lemur Art Camp for ages 7-12 is $300 for 5 day weeks and $240 for 4 day weeks. Connect, Engage or Inspire Members receive 10% off camp prices.
Ages: Age 4 to Grade 9

The Calgary Zoo has day camps in Calgary for animal lovers of all ages and interests. Zoo Camps for kids from ages 5-14  include games, activities, crafts, stories, interpretive programs and animal visits, while the Northern Leopard Frog program for 4-5-year-olds helps younger kids enjoy the same types of activities in a half day program. For campers aged 7-14 with an interest in animals and art, the Lemur Art Camp includes zoo-related art projects in addition to the animal visits and zoo exploration included in all other camps.

Telus Spark |

Times: 9 am – 4 pm with complimentary before care from 8 – 9 am and aftercare from 4 – 5pm
Cost: 4 day camp is $275; 5 day camp is $340. Gold and Ignite Members receive 10% off. Complimentary before and after care is available from 8 – 9 am and 4 – 5 pm.
Ages: 6-12

Telus Spark is a great place for kids to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) in a hands-on way! Camps are selling out quickly, but there are still a few slots open for the themes of Code-A-Bot (Age 7-8 and 8-10), Algorithmic Artists (Ages 9-12), and Surgeon School (Ages 9-12)  In addition to themed camp activities, all camps include hands-on STEAM activities, supervised exploration of all of the galleries in the science centre, admission to all of Spark’s featured exhibits and shows in the Infinity Dome for the Summer, and admissions to Quantum Sandbox in the Digital Immersion Gallery.

Heritage Park |

Times: Overnight Camps and Day Camps available; Day Camps run from 9:30 am – 4 pm Pre-care and after care are available from 8:30-9:30  and 4 – 5 pm for an additional $45 per week each, or $85 for both.
Cost: $315 for 5-Day Camps. $252 for 4-Day Camps. $598 for Overnight Camp.
Ages: 6-15

For kids wondering what life was like over 100 years ago, Heritage Park offers three different camps where kids dress up in (provided) costumes and travel back in time! Camp themes for 2023 are Frontier Artists (for kids from grade 5 to high school) and the Home on the Range Overnight Summer Camp for kids aged 12-15.

Kids enrolled in the Frontier Artists camp will make all kinds of cool artwork including making art prints on an antique printing press, trying needle felting, sketching, beading and more. At the Home on the Range camp, campers get to experience Heritage Park for 5 days straight while trying out activities like cooking over a fire, exploring the park behind the scenes and after dark, and riding the antique midway. At night, they’ll sleep in the Burns Barn bunkhouse. Meals for this camp are provided.

Are you planning to register your kids for camp this summer? Which camp will you choose? Is there a great one that didn’t make our list, but should have? Let us know in the comments!