On-the-Go Gear

The days of the brown-bagged, white-bread bologna sandwich might be history, but that doesn’t mean the next lunch you pack isn’t looking for a little update.
What to do? Pick up some new lunch-making gear that will transform the chore (and the meal) into a pleasure. Readi Set Go is a new boutique in the Glebe where you’ll find what you need. We’re sure moms will relate to their theme: Life on the Go.
The shop is stocked with everything you need for when you’re out, from lunch bags to Thermoses, to messenger bags and travel gear.
For example, when it comes to water bottles, the store’s selection makes stainless steel look passé. Choose from several brands of stylish, reusable glass bottles, bamboo bottles, and even the new Bobble—fill it with tap water and this bottle filters it for you.