Ottawa: The Savvy Guide to December

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s also the busiest. Here’s our guide to getting through it with your sanity intact.
Sit down and have a family meeting about the holidays. Ask everyone to share what’s important to them this month. Whether it’s catching the local Santa parade, seeing the lights at a holiday display, or just making time for some sledding, write it down on the family calendar.
Why? If it’s on the calendar, it’ll actually happen.
To Upper Canada Village and enjoy the annual Alight at Night Festival from December 5 to January 3
Why? Because they have lit the place up with close to 1 million lights adorning the heritage buildings, trees and fences of the village, plus this year enjoy the new 50 foot ferris wheel. It’s a magical winter wonderland that the kids will love—and if they’re under 5, they’ll get in for free. (From Our Partner: St. Lawrence Parks Commission)
Wine delivered from for all your holiday parties and gatherings
Why? Because you’re going to need it for all that holiday entertaining, plus you can stash a few bottles away for hostess gifts and emergency prezzies for anyone you might have overlooked.
Inside at a local play place
Why? Because we all need to escape from Old Man Winter sometimes. Take the fam to an indoor playground as a break from Christmas shopping, or better yet, drop the kids off and do your shopping in peace.
Gatherings: Bringing People Together with Food, by Jan Scott and Julie Van Rosendaal
Why? Because we love this beautiful new book by our very own Savvy food editor, Jan Scott, and popular author (and Savvy Storyteller!) Julie Van Rosendaal. This book is a fun addition to your collection and will make a great gift for your favourite foodie.
Wrap your gifts in the kids’ artwork, or use brown craft paper and let the kids’ decorate
Why? It’s a great way to recycle the kids’ art, and much of the gift wrap sold in stores is not recyclable. Plus, you’ll save money on wrapping paper, the kids will have a blast adding some pizzazz to your boxes and bags, and your gift recipients will appreciate the homemade touch.
le colouring
Why? This site is a cut above the usual printable colouring page sites. There are easier designs for the smaller set and wonderfully intricate ones for the bigger kids. Best of all, it’s free.
Santa’s Bag
Why? This free app records who you’ve bought gifts for and how much you’ve spent on each person, keeping you organized and on budget. It even keeps track of what stocking stuffers, ahem, Santa, has bought.
Something fabulous from our 28 Classic DIY Christmas Recipes, Decor Ideas, and Kids’ Crafts gallery
Why? Because our bloggers are the best of the best and we’re absolutely loving all the savvy things they’ve created this Christmas.
Animals in need by purchasing your calendar for 2015 from Paws for the Cause
Why? Because the calendar’s models are pretty darn cute! And because 100% of the proceeds go to the Pet Trust Fund, Canada’s first charity dedicated to improving the health and well being of pets.