Beyond Flowers


Ladies, our annual day of rest is finally upon us! Whether you’d like to show your mother how much she means to you—or would like to drop some hints for the kids—these local treats, gifts and outings will make Mother’s Day absolutely perfect.

Get Her Something Pretty
For unique and lovely Mother’s Day gifts, we head to the Wunderkammer Boutique in trendy North Dal, with jewellery, scarves, trinkets and bags from around the world. We can’t decide between a Tashi wee owl necklace from Japan, bright turquoise earrings from Israel, or a trio of pink gold stars made by Russe right here in Ottawa. The best part? Everything is so reasonably priced you won’t feel a bit of guilt picking up something extra for yourself as well.

Take Her for Treats
Want to avoid cooking on Mother’s Day (um, is that even a question)? Café Latte Cino is our fave east-end pick for simple food that is just plain delicious. Drop by for breakfast, featuring freshly pressed waffles, omelettes, and their own juice blends (try the apple blush, with just a hint of strawberry). Or come by at lunch for a dazzling array of salads, sandwiches, and a perfectly brewed latte. Our fave? The Thai sweet and spicy chicken wrap, with lentil salad on the side. Everything is available to go, so we suggest sending someone else out to fetch the order while you curl up at home in your jammies with a good book.

We’ve got 4 more Mother’s Day Treats and Outings in Ottawa, selected just for you.

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