You might not be one to make New Year’s resolutions, but this is the time of year most of us are looking a bit differently at all that candy and chocolate we’ve been accumulating since Halloween. Would we be going too far in saying that you’re now on the hunt for healthier snacks with super-power qualities?
Enter our new snack of choice: Quinoa Snack Crisps from Enerjive. They’re low-sugar, contain no sodium, are made from healthy ingredients and are certified gluten-free. They come in five flavours’our favourite is Lemon Berry BURST. With a splash of citrus and gently sweetened with a touch of maple syrup, it has that perfect bit of crunch we need right around 3 o’clock. We also recommend the COZY Apple Cinnamon. Top with some all-natural peanut butter and a slice of fruit, and you have a healthy afterschool snack that will provide enough energy to make it to dinnertime.
Tagged under: family,food,Gluten Free,kids,healthy,Snack
Category: food-news