A Beautiful Birth

Pregnant Moms Sitting Together

Moms know we’re all different and each one of our birth experiences is unique. That’s why we’re excited to tell you about a new place in Ottawa to consider for childbirth and beyond. It’s called The Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre and it offers a wide range of services to help every family welcome their new babes in the best possible way.

The birthing side of the centre has three gorgeous birthing suites with everything a labouring mother needs. They come complete with spa-quality beds, cozy sofas, a fireplace area for family and a huge birthing tub. Added luxuries like towel warmers, large showers and every birth-related accessory you might need, from balls to stools to ceiling slings, are on site. All you need is a midwife; everything else is provided. While only low-risk births are accepted to the centre, hospitals are only 10 minutes away should mom or baby need to be transfered.

On the wellness side of the centre, new moms and moms-to-be can enjoy treatment from massage therapists and lactation consultants in between a Salsa Babies fitness class or a workshop on waterbirth with expert Barbara Harper.

We’re excited about the birth of the new Birth and Wellness Centre. You should be too.

Once your bundle of joy arrives, you’ll want to check out these Must-Take Safety Classes in Ottawa.


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