One List to Guide Them All

Yes, it’s that time of year again! Time to wade through their ten-page-long Christmas list to choose the items that the kids will actually play with, learn from, and totally adore.
Our Architect When our little ones have dreams of being architects, we’re more than happy to foster those aspirations. First stop is the oh-so-cool Roominate studio, where motors are wired and they can build bunk beds, a laptop desk, cupcake stand, spinning fan, carousel, elevator and more to complete their designs. (On Their List!) |
Tame T-Rex Any dino fan will love Boomer, the Zoomer Dino that can only be tamed by his owner. Boomer burps, bites and can sense interaction—and might respond with some Jurassic Park moves, roaring and spinning around. (On Their List!) |
High five, Santa. You got this.
We’ve got The 30 Best Toys they’ll love that will make their imaginations soar.