My Top 10 Resolutions for 2012


I got a bit of attention from the Christmas Wish list I posted last week so I thought in the spirit of sharing and making lists, I would share a little about my New Year’€™s resolution outlook for 2012.
These are the things I think about every day/week/month of the year’€”not just in the New Year. I know these are small things I can do to take care of myself that will result in more energy, clarity and maybe even balance. Some will just make me a nicer person to live with.

  1. Go to bed earlier and get more sleep
  2. Since I’€™m going to bed earlier, I should wake up earlier and get to the gym in the am more often
  3. Leave the office earlier and go straight home instead of to the grocery store (groceries can be done on the weekends)
  4. Buy groceries on the weekend
  5. Try hot yoga
  6. Consume less carbs (read: baguettes and chardonnay)
  7. Stop swearing (gasp!)
  8. Get more fresh air
  9. Read more books
  10. Stop feeling guilty and wasting time thinking about not doing all of the above and just do them

Maybe this year I’€™ll pick one item per week and see if any of them stick as I move into each week. I’€™ll let you know how it goes.

What are your resolutions this year’€”did you make any?

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