Mom’s Christmas List


What do I want for Christmas this year?
My needs are simple. I’€™m not asking for a lot this year:

  • Snow
  • A closet organizer
  • For my teenaged boys to tell me they love me when they wake up in the morning instead of the hormone-induced primal grunts I hear from their rooms
  • For those same kids to re-do my iPod play lists
  • A mud room with teenage-size cubbies
  • More Adele songs to sing at the top of my lungs
  • To feel the results of a cleanse (ideally without going on one)
  • A good book’€”and the time to read it
  • To laugh until my stomach hurts
  • One (more) cashmere sweater
  • Inbox: zero
  • A new pillow
  • A massive global stock market upswing
  • Only one NFL game per week
  • Lots and lots of love with friends and family over the hols

What do you want for Christmas this year?

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