Mom Wardrobe Reboot

Let’s face it, finding clothes to wear can be hard work. You’ve changed—because with a baby comes a new life, new identity, new priorities…and a new body. All this newness probably means a new wardrobe, too—but where do you start?
We asked our Savvy style guru Wendy Woods for her expert opinion on dressing post-baby bodies and creating a back-to-work wardrobe that works for you. Wendy simplified our closet down to the essentials as a starting point, and filled us in on the must-have basics to make sure we can start every day feeling pulled-together and confident.
Whether you’re looking for something beyond yoga pants and tees or have an office dress code to meet, there are general basics you need to have to pull your wardrobe together. Click here to see Wendy’s list of essentials.
Now, to shopping! Wendy says to start in your own closet. Go through everything, keeping only what actually fits and what you actually like. Donate the rest. Compare what you have against Wendy’s list of essentials so you can see where you need to focus your shopping attention first.
These are the ‘basic basics’ so focus on covering them off for this season. You can worry about next season’s wardrobe next season. You’ll be surprised how well the pieces you choose will translate effortlessly.
Once you’ve filled in all the gaps above, you can start adding more to your collection as time and money permit. Wendy recommends adding one more bottom first. Then a pair of shoes. Then another layering piece. Then a blouse or two.
To give you an idea of what your closet might look like after you’re done, Wendy put together a sample wardrobe—and sample outfits from it—that fit a few different dressing needs. Click to see her corporate, business casual, smart casual, and weekend outfits and wardrobes.
Getting the kids dressed is hard enough; dressing yourself should be easy. Click here to see our complete guide to Dressing a Post-Baby Body.