Minnow’s Five Things


Who cried on Tuesday morning at school drop off? I for one have been doing the same cry for the last 15 years. I know it’s going to happen and it’s embarrassing but I keep going back for more every year—just like I keep watching this Canadian Tire video that brings me to tears every time I watch it. It captures parents’ emotions about the first day of school so well—whether it’s preschool or university. You’ll love it too.

After you drop them off, all you want to hear about is their day. Who are your friends, what is the teacher like and my favourite…did you eat all your lunch? So you ask the universal question, ‘how was school today?’, only to receive the universal answer, ‘fine’. Every. Day. To help you out of this rut, I’m sharing a Huffington Post Article called ’28 Ways to Ask Your Teens ‘How Was School Today?’ Without Asking Them ‘How Was School Today?’. Good luck with that!

how was your day today ?

You also might be interested to know that over 50% of American students aren’t getting enough sleep. I read an article in the Atlantic about how important, but specifically, how difficult it is for adolescents to get enough sleep. The article brings attention to a movement led by doctors and educators who wish to start the school day later. According to this article, adolescents require at least 9.5 hours of sleep and the results of sleep deprivation can result in more serious outcomes than bad moods and bad grades—depression and anxiety being at the top of the list. This might not be relevant to parents of younger children but it is a strong warning to make sure you establish healthy and regular sleep routines while your children are young so they will continue as they get older.

kids dont get enough sleep

On a much lighter note, one of my favourite internet sensations, the Kid President, has an awesome message to teachers and students this year. It might be fun to watch with the kids.

And finally, on a more serious note…please, please Drive Safe in your neighbourhoods and talk to your kids about road safety every day. Put your phone away when you are walking with your kids and make them aware of all the signs and signals around them. In memory of a beautiful little girl who we lost this summer—Georgia Walsh Remembered—please Drive Safe to School.

Have a great week. And in the words of the awesome Kid President “get your learn on!”


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