Minnow’s Five Things


Team snack backlash, indoor slides, stylish moms and bouncy castles. That’s what caught my attention this week. It’s lofty stuff, indeed.
If you have a child on a team of any kind, you’ll be familiar with the concept of team snacks. Well finally, after years of snack Nazi moms making food the most competitive part of kids’ soccer, there is a backlash. Rebecca Keenan’s article in Playground Confidential titled ‘Team Snacks Can Suck It’ caught my attention. Then after some discussion, I learned that there is a movement called MARS—Moms Against Rotating Snacks. I love it. While they’re in change mode, why not bring back the idea of winning medals for first place instead of dishing out participation medals for everyone? Just saying.

I’m pretty sure the moms in a new book called The Glow, an Inspiring Guide to Stylish Motherhood are not eating snacks, thinking about snacks or going to the park for a soccer game, for that matter. It’s a picture book filled with pages and pages of inspirationally stylish moms—because that’s what motherhood is all about—being stylish. It illustrates the truth that for actresses and models and their children with names like Secret, Lazer or Rumi, the light in their homes is always perfect. For the rest of us, we have recipes from Gwyneth to keep us busy striving for perfection. That is, if we’re not too busy fighting the snack wars.

the glow an Inspiring Guide to Stylish Motherhood

I prefer to follow some of my favourite stylish moms on Instagram. They’re a bit more real. So I was pleased that a lot of our Savvy Storytellers were recently featured in a top ten moms to follow on Instagram list from Babypost. I think you’ll like them too.

10 Mommy instagram accounts to follow

One mom who is clearly focused on fun, rather than healthy snacks or style is Trisha Cleveland, inventor of the Slide Rider—a slide for inside the home that actually goes down stairs. It caught my attention because one of my most dangerous childhood memories is of my sisters and I sliding down our stairs in a laundry basket (yes, it ended with blood and front teeth on the floor). So I don’t think this looks so bad. It appears to be a work in progress. I found it on this cool site called Quirky.com. You might be interested.

slide rider

Finally, a more serious note about a story that was in the news last week that started with fun and frivolity but ended in near disaster. A bouncy castle was blown 50 feet into the air while two young boys were inside. Fortunately, the two boys fell out before it was lifted too high in the air and were seriously but not critically injured.

bouncey castle in the sky

Since when do kids need bouncy castles anyway? They have slides. If you don’t like sliding, play organized sports and play to win, then go for ice cream after the game. Tell your mom she looks great even if she isn’t that stylish. She’ll definitely take you for ice cream if you do.

Have a good week.


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