Minnow’s Five Things


Mother’s Day is what caught my attention this week. I have a few favourites for gift ideas as well as a blog post about being a mom, plus a humorous video with a message about what Rob Ford is teaching our kids.
For great Mother’s Day gifts, I love this frame because I’m into plexiglass frames right now. My own mom used to have them and I’m glad they’re back. The option of adding a recorded message is new and fabulous though.

To get you in the tear-jerking mood for mother’s day, watch this video. Now start looking for something nice (for yourself or your mom, or both).

I recently found and fell in love with a new line of skin care from Ste. Anne’s Spa, a beautiful and well regarded inn and spa in Ontario. They have developed their own line of skin care—Ste. Anne’s skin nourishment—which is now available online. My favourite is the Deep Hand Hydration. It has a very slight scent of lavender and isn’t greasy. Because the simple pleasure of applying luxurious hand cream for a harried mother with small children is a big deal.

Nobody knows that better than one of our Savvy Storytellers, Rebecca Keenan of Playground Confidential. Her post, ‘How to Stop Sounding Like a Douchebag Parent in 5 Easy Steps’ will make you laugh out loud…once you get past the colourful language. I hope all moms who read this will refrain from getting trapped into any unnecessary pressures of perfection this mother’s day.

How to Stop Sounding Like a Douchebag Parent in 5 easy steps

One last little bit I thought I would slip in…a great Google trick for measuring nutritional information when cooking and eating. Thanks to our Food Editor, Jan Scott for this.

Finally, I give you Rob Ford’s Words in the Mouth of a Child. Keep in mind that your kids are listening to him and learning some pretty crazy lessons about not taking accountability for one’s actions. Watch the video with them if you think they are old enough. It could raise some interesting conversation.

Have a good week.


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