Minnow’s Five Things


Autism Awareness, April Fools’ Day spoofs, more bacon, more white t-shirts and party favours—that’s what caught my attention this week.
1. April 2 was World Autism Awareness Day and this year marks the first that Canada officially recognized the date and participated in events around the country. Naturally, we have many inspiring blog posts featured on SavvyMom this week raising awareness of autism by some of our Savvy Storytellers. I thought this one in particular is something that all of us should read because it speaks to everyone who is not a parent of an autistic child and provides tips on how to navigate their world with respect: Five Things Autism Parents Want You to Know. I also have a book recommendation, about a child with autism and his mother’s journey, called Love Anthony by New York Times bestselling author Lisa Genova. Read it, but keep your tissue close. It’s a tear jerker.

2. In entertaining news, I noticed there were a lot of April Fools’ pranks this year populating the internet. April Fools’ Day has clearly made a comeback, and it’s no wonder after seeing what companies like Google Nose, Youtube and Gmail Blue are getting up to (all Google products, by the way). I like that these pranks don’t inflict any physical pain and they aren’t making direct fun at anyone specific. But who knew April Fools’ Day would re-emerge as such a prolific holiday for marketers to capitalize on? At least it’s one holiday where I don’t have to worry about a gift…unless it’s one of the new BMW strollers that were released on Monday—for babes who like to ride. Just kidding. That was a prank too. Marketers have all the fun, don’t they?

Bacon Headband

3. Maybe the people who came up with the idea of creating a line of jewellery fashioned after fruit and bacon have more fun. It’s hard to know, but this Bacon Headband certainly caught my attention this week. You’ve heard me talk about bacon before—it’s the new protein and its popularity doesn’t appear to be waning. But could this be the tipping point? Have we saturated the bacon market? We’ll have to watch closely.

great white tees

4. I might have had enough bacon, but I will never tire of the classic white T-shirt. That’s why I appreciated this gallery of great white tees from Chatelaine which I found particularly helpful. Note that the stylists remind us not to wear the tees too tight—that’s just not right. I’m just saying.


5. And finally, for all you party planners out there, if you like it, you can now put a ring on it. The popular candy company Ring Pop®, has launched a new US site called MyRingPop.com which allows Ring Pop® fans to choose the flavour, colour and wrapper design for their very own edible bling with a choice of birthday or general-celebration-themed wrappers. Included in the purchase, consumers can print personalized messages on the wrappers to share a sweet note along with their sweet treat. Hopefully they start shipping to Canada soon…

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