Minnow’s Five Things


I have a few interesting things to report after a nice long break and a short week. The new site manteresting.com, family narratives, more on Apple innovation, an old-school video and a new face cream all caught my attention.
1. In breaking news, I learned from Twitter and some of the mommy blogs about manteresting.com. It’s basically Pinterest, but for dudes (their words, not mine). For those of you who are Pinterest lovers, you’ll understand. Instead of ‘pinning’ a favourite image (of an attractive woman, for example), you ‘nail it’ to your Manterest page. The mom blogs aren’t loving manteresting.com. Why can’t the dudes just use Pinterest, they ask? Well firstly, you can’t post the same kind of images on Pinterest. This site is pure entertainment for men. Manteresting is funny, sexist and sometime practical—but even with the practical images of men hanging pictures or shelves, you get the feeling they’re just ripping on Pinterest. Pinterest, with all of its beautiful aesthetic, is inspirational, pretty and practical. I’m sure someone will write a paper on how these two sites visually depict and support the apparent gender differences in Western society today. But in the meantime, I’m still interested in some of the stuff dudes find that we don’t. Like these portable speakers that double up as a spotlight and fit into your light socket. For the record though, I didn’t nail it.

Mom and kid talking

2. I read, with interest, an article from the New York Times that many of my Facebook friends and mom bloggers posted last week. It talks about the importance of family dialogue and telling stories to your kids. I don’t mean the stories in books, but the real stories of your family—what the writer refers to as a family narrative. I have always been a huge advocate of family dinners, but I am also acutely aware that not all family dinners turn out the way you wish them too. Sometimes they end up in fights. Sometimes everyone hates the food. Don’t give up. Sit down and keep talking to your kids. Read the article, it will help.


3. Here’s some good news you can talk to your kids about at the dinner table if they like to use your iPhone. Apple is planning to release a new model that reduces the chances of it breaking when you drop it. It’s a bit complicated to explain, as it involves words like sensors, processors and protective mechanisms, but essentially it’s a gadget that detects when the phone is falling and ensures that it falls face up, putting an end to broken screens. It’s like magic. Here is a better explanation.

4. Despite all of the innovation around us on a daily basis, I am still old school at heart. That’s why I enjoyed this video about why ‘Paper is Not Dead’ enough to share with you.

Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream

5. Finally—a product that was recommended to me by our indispensable Leslie McCormick (Integrated Campaign Specialist) at SavvyMom. I tried it and now I love it. It’s called Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream and you can order it online at Sephora. I can’t say my skin is glowing as much as Leslie’s, but it does feel nice. Thanks, Leslie!

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