Minnow’s Five Things



Videos caught my attention this week. I always watch them, but this week I came across a collection I wanted to share with you. They are entertaining, inspiring and clever. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone described you like that?
1. We’ll start with the entertaining one—just for fun. Where do you stand on Instagram these days? It seems that the world is divided in two on the matter. Either you love it and are obsessed with it or you haven’t heard of it (and therefore don’t use it). Regardless of which group you’re in, you’ll love this video parody (courtesy of CollegeHumor) on the billion dollar photo filter that has caught the world by storm.


2. In related news, I read that Instagram and Twitter broke up this week. As reported on Twitter’s Status blog on Sunday afternoon, ‘Instagram has disabled photo integration with Twitter. As a result, photos are no longer appearing in Tweets or user photo galleries. While tweeting links to Instagram photos is still possible, you can no longer view the photos on Twitter, as was previously the case.’ So it’s not a real break up. They are still talking. Maybe they’ll get back together like Justin and Selena. Maybe it’s all Greek to you because you don’t tweet or use Instagram (or care about Justin and Selena). At least now you can sound savvy at your next holiday fete.

3. Moving away from technology and onto humans…this video from the Globe and Mail was sent to me by a close friend. Amy is being interviewed as a breast cancer survivor and has been selected to participate in a genetics study at Women’s College Hospital. You’ll see her sister (also a breast cancer survivor) in the video as well. The hospital is studying the genome of her family members in an effort to find a mutation that explains the high incidents of breast cancer. Amy is a beautiful and courageous woman. She not only fought cancer but she is bravely telling her story and participating in this study in an effort to help her family and others.


4. Since we’re onto health, the esteemed Dr. Mike Evans offers some pretty compelling advice on New Year’s resolutions in his latest video. It’s reassuring to know that a high percentage of resolutions people make in the New Year are successful. Watch this video and start planning your own personal improvement. It can happen!

5. And back to real humans—specifically kids—here is a petition to protect them from head injuries. If you have a child who plays a contact sport (particularly hockey), you’ll know that concussions are the new ‘bullying.’ They are rampant. That’s why I think any parent with a child, a niece, nephew or friend who plays hockey will be interested in this petition asking Hockey Canada to remove body checking from all levels of Pee Wee and Bantam age groups (11–14). There are a lot of signatures so far and regardless of whether or not the petition works, it is raising a new level of awareness about the long term effects of concussions on young kids. If you need a reminder, we have another video from Dr. Mike Evans for you to watch.

Have a great week and enjoy all your holiday preparations. You’ll love some of the recipes and crafts in our amazing guide from this week.


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