Leftover Oatmeal Muffins

Jan Scott January 13, 2017

I don’€™t know about you, but I almost always have leftover oatmeal lingering in the bottom of my pot whenever I make it. I usually overestimate how much is needed to feed my boys, and though I hate to admit it, I usually toss the remains because leftover oats really don’€™t taste that great. Or at least I did, until I stumbled upon a genius idea for making use of the hot breakfast cereal that’€™s often left behind, and now I intentionally make enough to guarantee the entire amount doesn’t get eaten.

Leftover oatmeal muffins are a fabulous way to repurpose your oats into something new when the hot cereal love has faded, which is usually around this time of year. Now my kids know that if there is oatmeal on the table one morning, there’€™s likely to be muffins the next, and that’€™s an idea they’€™re completely on board with.

We like to customize the add-ins and so far everything from fresh and dried fruit, nuts, and chocolate has proved to work well. Just keep the additions to no more than half a cup and they’€™ll bake up nicely every time.

How are you feeling about hot cereal these days? Are you over it already, or still enjoying your big bowl of morning grains?

See the full printable recipe for Leftover Oatmeal Muffins.

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