Kitchen Patrol

SavvyMom April 12, 2016

Toddler in dishwasherInspired by an article I researched last fall on age-appropriate chores, we drew up a family chore chart last fall and assigned each of the kids a few chores they could be responsible for. But I must confess to not being so diligent in insisting the kids complete their chores and I certainly fell victim to the ‘It will be faster if I just do it myself’ trap. But recently, a number of changes on the homefront required everyone to pitch in a little more and help, and I was amazed by what my children actually could do in the kitchen (and quite enjoyed doing) very well.
My 5 year old can competently set the table and then clear it and load the dishwasher. My 7 year old showed off his skills at putting the groceries away on more than one occasion. And imagine my delight the morning last week I came down to get the breakfast started for everyone, and my 8 year old had already made her bed, emptied the dishwasher and set the table, and was just patiently waiting for someone to show up to make her something to eat.

Apparently 4 – 5 year olds can unload the utensils from the dishwasher and wash plastic dishes in the sink; 6 – 7 year olds can set the table, help make and pack their lunch, clean up with a handheld vacuum and pour drinks; and 8 – 9 year olds can do all this and make snacks for everyone, peel vegetables, cook simple foods such as toast and wipe down tables after meals. My new mantra? Don’t do anything for your kids they can do themselves. And I have never been prouder of them.

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