Insider Tips: Where to Go & What to Do on a Babymoon


Everyone is doing it and this is one bandwagon you want to jump on. Usually taken between fourteen weeks and twenty-one weeks of pregnancy, Moms and Dads are heading south for babymoons. If you haven’t heard of them, they’re little getaways for expecting mothers and fathers. Parents-to-be can refresh, relax and rejuvenate before the arrival of a new baby. A babymoon can be anything from an extended week away to a weekend jaunt in one of your favourite destinations.

Why Go on a Babymoon?

We can all agree that pregnancy is tough mentally, emotionally and physically. Mothers have to grow a human, deliver it, breastfeed and all the other fun that goes with that. It’s important that Moms (and Dads) take every opportunity to be pampered and indulge in some kid-free quiet time. If it were possible to bank some sleep, this would be the time to do it. A babymoon is also the perfect way to celebrate this new and exciting phase of life.

Where Should I Go?

Pick a destination that makes you feel relaxed and happy with comfortable accommodations and your favourite foods on hand. Remember, this trip is about spoiling yourself! My husband and I headed south to Barbados for sunshine, flavourful food, sparkling blue water on white sandy beaches, friendly people and oh yes…did I mention the perfect weather? For us, it was paradise. Wherever you go, make sure medical care is readily available should you need it and always travel with travel insurance for you and your baby-to-be.

Where Should I Stay?

Take advantage of the smaller, boutique hotels when travelling while pregnant. A small hotel means that the staff will know your name and make the extra effort to ensure that you are well looked after. An extra pillow here, a midnight snack there and your own signature mocktail will make you feel like you are at home away from home…with a few extras.

What to Do on Your Babymoon

Although you may not feel like you can do anything, there are lots of pregnant-friendly activities that can soothe both your sense of adventure and your exhausted pregnant self. Depending on where you babymoon, you can watch live singing and dancing shows or spend a day in the spa getting pampered. You can go cruising on a 5-star catamaran, swim with turtles, or go snorkelling along a colourful reef. You and your partner can explore cultural sights, sightsee (if you can hop on a bus instead of walking, your feet will thank you), or go for a leisurely walk in the great outdoors. Or, as we did, simply stroll along the beach and float in the perfectly blue sea with your partner while you ‘discuss’ your favourite (and vetoed) baby names. Regardless of what you are feeling, there is something for every pregnant mama and her partner to do.

Whether it’s your first baby or your fifth, a babymoon is the best way to relax, rejuvenate and celebrate Mom, Dad and your impending bundle of love.


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