How to Hygge Your Family Through Winter

Jan Scott February 20, 2022
hygge family

Even after our first article on Hygge, that ubiquitous Danish word everyone is buzzing about, I continue to be just as obsessed with the concept as I was back then. In fact, from curling up with blankets and books to opening the doors of my home to family, friends, and acquaintances, I’ve come to discover that Hygge really can be the coziest way to celebrate winter.

If you’re a little late to the hygge party here’s how you can add a little contentment and coziness to the rest of your winter this year:

Connect with Other People

Practicing hygge means inviting social interaction into your life, and I can’t think of a better time to do this than the tail end of winter, when we’re inclined to continue hibernating as we impatiently wait for spring to arrive. Host a neighbourhood outdoor drop-in (a drop-out?), start a book club, or maybe even invite your girlfriends over to watch a weekly show. Gather those you know, or maybe even those you don’t, and fling your doors wide open this month!

Put the Kettle on

I’m forever looking for ways to spend a little extra time with my teens and this winter it’s come in the form of ‘hot drinks hour’. As soon as the baby goes down for the night, we put the kettle on and gather in the living room for hot drinks with the older kids. Sometimes it’s tea and coffee, and other times it’s hot chocolate, which may or may not be spiked for the adults. We’ve come to really rely on this half hour each night as way to connect with our older kids and each other, before separating again for work, homework and hockey.

Host Dinner at Home

Hygge could very well be synonymous with dinner party for both encompass the same vibe: chatter, laughter, candlelight, clinking glasses, hearty food, and good company. Eating with others is such an important part of hygge, so I really encourage you to invite friends over for dinner this month in a covid-safe manner, of course.

Slow Down

If I could suggest two things to help you live a hyggelig life it would be these: slow down and shut off your phone. It’s so much harder to do than it seems, but the rewards are worth the efforts. I know of someone who’s recently implemented a no-cell-phone rule between the hours of 8 pm and 8 am and she claims it’s completely changed her life. The free time you’ll acquire will leave you with extra minutes to curl up under a blanket with a good book, linger over a pot of tea for just a little longer, or stay seated at the table in conversation with your kids without worrying about where you need to be next.


Although hygge embodies an idea of togetherness, it can still be achieved independently and one of the best ways to do this is though reading. I happily read four books in January—a mighty feat for someone with three kids, a few different jobs, and a book manuscript due in seven short months.

Tell us, have you embraced hygge this winter? If so, how are you adding a dose of coziness to your everyday life these days?

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