How to Use Google’s Nutrition Comparison Tool

Jan Scott April 12, 2016

Here’€™s a hidden secret of the Internet: at the end of 2013 Google quietly launched their nutrition comparison tool. To use this clever web-based tool, simply type the word ‘€˜compare’€™ into the Google search bar, followed by two types of food.
For example, if you want to know the nutritional difference between asparagus and artichoke, simply type ‘€˜compare asparagus and artichoke’€™ and pretty images of both items will appear along with a breakdown of calories, fat, sugar content, protein, and other nutrition values.

I tested the tool by searching for two of my favourite not-so-good-for-you foods: cheese and chocolate. As you can see in the photo above, I was able to filter my cheese and chocolate selection by using the drop-down menu below each item. I selected dark chocolate and Camembert cheese for the comparison, and I learned that the chocolate is higher in calories than the cheese. Interesting!

The system is not foolproof. I had trouble searching for a few brand names, and when I tried to compare like items to like items (milk chocolate and dark chocolate) I was directed to articles and not the tool. According to Google, the data comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’€™s National Nutrient Database, meaning you can only compare anything the Department of Agriculture keeps information on.

If you’€™re interested, here are the comparisons of spinach and kale, rice and quinoa, and bagels and donuts.

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