How to Make a Moustache Cake

Jan Scott September 9, 2019

Whether you’€™re celebrating the fundraising efforts of your favourite male this Movember, or you’€™re planning a ‘€˜stache bash for your little one’€™s upcoming birthday, making a moustache cake is the key to a successful ‘stache celebration.

While it may look uber impressive, in reality this cake couldn’€™t be easier to make. Requiring nothing more than a single 8’€ or 9’€ baked cake layer, sharp cutting knife, palette knife and fork, in four simple steps you’€™ll have a moustache ready for icing. Here’€™s how you do it:

  1. Cool the cake round and level the top with the knife, if necessary.
  2. Invert the cake onto your work surface and, using a sharp knife, cut a ying-yang pattern into the cake.
  3. Flip one half of the cake over and line up the rounded ends to create a moustache shape.
  4. Once you’€™re happy with the shape of your cake and you see that the sides line up well, separate them and freeze for 30’€“60 minutes for icing purposes (this will keep the crumbs from your icing).
  5. Place the cake pieces back on a cutting board or long rectangular serving platter and line up the sides to recreate the moustache.
  6. Slip two pieces of parchment paper (one for each side) under the moustache to keep the serving platter clean of icing.
  7. Using the palette knife, generously frost the cake with chocolate icing, evenly covering the surface and sides of the cake.
  8. Gently pull the parchment paper away from the cake, and smooth the border and edges with the side of the palette knife, if necessary.
  9. Using the tines of the fork, create ‘€œhair’€ on the surface of the moustache.

Are your kids into moustaches? Would you ever create a party based on this theme?

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