Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Museum of Science and Technology Re-Opening

After 3 years of renovations and updates being done to the popular Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa, we are so excited that it’s re-opening. To celebrate, here’s a bit of a sneak peek into one of the new exhibits.
Many parents in the Ottawa area have stories about when we used to take our children to the museum. Whether we hosted their birthday parties there, play dates, school field trips, or if we just went as a family to explore, it was a go-to stop. There are many parents in Ottawa who fondly remember the museum from their own childhood, and while we have a sense of nostalgia, an update and refresh to the building will be exciting.
Since 2014, the Canada Science and Technology Museum has been undergoing major changes to update the building, however, at the same time, they decided to update some of the exhibits too. Parents, no need to worry though, the very popular Crazy Kitchen remains a staple of the museum, but updates to their other spaces, as well as their presentation stage, will be a welcome addition after all these years. You can read more about the renovations and follow along on their website.
One area that is sure to catch the eye of many families is the new Zooom Children’s Gallery. This room is meant for children 8 years and younger (but if you have older siblings they’ll be able to come play with their younger brother or sister!) and the room offers an exploration of every sense. This room for our little ones has a toddler section that is blocked off for safe play time, plus a comfortable nursing room for breastfeeding mothers complete with glass windows to overlook other family members, and comfortable, oversized chairs.
As children roam the room, they’ll be drawn to the climbing wall, or the lights that are activated on the floor as they walk. One of the most popular areas that we know will be a hit is the race car centre. Kids start by building their wheeled foam race cars before sending them through the test tracks. They can try to get their car to jump the hoop, or partner up and enter a daring race to the finish line. This is sure to provide a lot of fun for all the kids.
We loved how tactile everything in the Zooom Children’s Gallery is. There is nothing that’s not inviting to touch or move or climb which we know will be an exciting draw for kids who love to learn and play in a hands-on manner.
Here’s the most exciting thing we wanted to announce: The museum is finally re-opening on November 17! Yes, after a long wait, families in the Ottawa area can finally return to one of our most beloved locations. You don’t even need to have kids to appreciate all the museum offers, and we know that tourists from out of town will enjoy strolling through the new space.
If you are interested in going, membership to the Canada Science and Technology Museum is available and also includes admission to the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum and the Canada Space and Aviation Museum. That’s a great deal for families wanting to keep busy throughout the year and explore various spaces.
We can’t wait for the Canada Science and Technology Museum to reopen and we are excited to bring our kids, of all ages, to explore the new exhibits, the modified spaces and of course, to get a little wobbly in the Crazy Kitchen.