How to Help Kids Manage Anxiety During the Pandemic

How to Help Kids Manage Anxiety During the Pandemic - SavvyMom

When the pandemic first started — which feels like a lifetime ago now, my gosh — my daughter came home from school talking non-stop about the coronavirus.

It was clear then that my daughter was alarmed by all of this, particularly when she began peppering me with questions — often the same ones, over and over again (Would I get sick? Would she get sick? Would our dog be okay?). We’ve gone back and forth a few times. And now that school is resuming, again, her sense of unease is growing, again.

No one — not even grown-ups — can control what happens over the continuing weeks and months. Fortunately, there are ways we can help kids manage anxiety and their stress during these strange times.

7 Ways to Help Kids Manage Anxiety During the Pandemic

Establish a routine

Adults and children alike find comfort in predictability. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends creating a routine, ideally, one that’s close to their usual routine. If your kids are in school or daycare, create a schedule resembling what they’d usually do during the day — from recess and snack time to subject-specific blocks of time and free play.

Keep calm

Do whatever you need to do to be as calm and collected as you can. Children and teens are looking to their parents for reassurance that they’ll be okay. Do what you can to sneak in some self-care for yourself, tricky as that may be, to keep yourself from getting frazzled.

Limit exposure to news

Sure, your little ones are probably not turning on CNN when they wake up in the morning, but they are paying close attention to what we’re doing. Check the news discretely — and only periodically — to avoid exposing children to media that could be confusing or scary. Encourage teens to limit how often they check the news, as well as social media. Reassure kids of any age that you’ll share any new information they need to know.

(For advice on talking to your kids about COVID-19, check out this article and this American resource from the National Association of School Psychologists).

Focus on the helpers

Remember this brilliant quote from Mr. Rogers?

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

Remind your kids of the many ways in which people are helping each other through the crisis. From doctors and nurses at the hospitals, to volunteers delivering meals and truck drivers taking food to grocery stores, to the politicians make tough choices, there are many helpers in our communities.

Keep connected to friends and family

It’s tough for kids to be away from friends and extended family, especially if your world went somewhat back to “normal.” If you can’t be together, schedule video chats and phone calls, send Snapchat or Facebook Kids Messenger messages, and find other safe ways to keep your kiddos connected to those they care about.

Get regular exercise

Exercise helps all of us manage our emotions. Get outside for walks, explore parks nearby, or go bike riding. If you’re stuck inside, search YouTube or other online platforms for exercise videos geared at kids, like Cosmic Kids yoga, or have a living room dance party.

Talk to your kids about anxiety

Children don’t always understand what they’re feeling. Teach them what anxiety feels like and why it’s nothing to be afraid of. Anxiety Canada has a great video for kids and another for teens that can help. There are also online resources to help kids learn to breathe through their anxiety, like this one.

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