Healthy Cinnamon-Spiced Rice Cereal Treats

Jan Scott November 2, 2016

Happy fall, y’€™all! This is the day I’€™ve been waiting for all summer, and the season I enjoy being in the kitchen the most. It’€™s the time of year when I shift my summer spices to the back of the drawer in order to make room for those that pair well with apples, squash, pumpkin, and other favourite fall foods.

I think of the next few months as the time of year when cinnamon, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, and ginger are essential flavours, and I like to infuse everything from soups to pastas to puddings with these warming spices. So naturally, when I recently made some lunchbox snacks for my kids, I couldn’€™t help but add a hefty dose of cinnamon to the bowl, adding a seasonal spin to a beloved childhood treat.

Spicing these cereal bars aren’€™t the only upgrade I made to this classic crispy snack. I also replaced the corn syrup-laden marshmallows with naturally sweetened syrups and added some sunflower seed butter to the bowl, ensuring these stay nut-free and protein packed. The addition of brown rice cereal made these extra healthy, not to mention a little hippie, but they were both beloved and devoured by my boys telling me I might be on to something. Feel free to use regular rice cereal, if you prefer, and peanut or almond butters if nuts aren’€™t a concern, just don’€™t skip the cinnamon—it’€™s a seasonal requirement now that fall has officially arrived.

Healthy Cinnamon-Spiced Rice Cereal Treats

Makes 16 squares

You’€™ll Need:

  • ½ cup pure maple syrup
  • ½ cup brown rice syrup
  • ½ cup sunflower seed butter
  • ¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 4 cups crisp rice cereal

Prep and Cook:

  1. Line an 8×8-inch square pan with a sling of parchment paper or grease it generously with neutral-flavoured oil.
  2. In a large saucepan, bring the maple and rice syrups to a rolling boil for 1 minute, stirring frequently with a rubber spatula. Remove from the heat and stir in the sunflower seed butter, cinnamon and salt, ensuring everything is evenly mixed and smooth.
  3. Fold in the cereal, dump the mixture in the prepared pan, and press it firmly and evenly into a single layer. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let sit until firm, about one hour.
  4. Remove from pan and cut into squares. Treats can be stored in an airtight container for up to three days.

Good to Know:

Brown rice syrup can be found in most major grocery stores (check the organic aisle), natural foods stores, and the Bulk Barn.

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