Got Lice? Don’t Lose Your Head

You’ve tried them all.
Tea tree oil, almond oil, the lice combs, insecticides.
You’re an expert on the subject. In fact, if required, you could probably write a paper on the topic of head lice and all the useless, messy ways you’ve failed to get rid of it.
And no matter how many times the itchy little critters pop up, you never fail to be grossed out by them. But since your child won’t stop hugging their buddies and rubbing their head against every darned kid in the playground, it’s unlikely that you’re going to be let off the hook any time soon.
Death, taxes and head lice. They’re one of life’s (and childhood’s) unpleasant inevitabilities.
So wouldn’t it be nice if there was something that could get rid of them in minutes, so you and your kids can get on with your day? Well, now there is. Enter Resultz; a safe, effective and easy-to-use head lice treatment that doesn’t use traditional pesticides, and works in just 10 minutes.
What makes it different from all the others?
Resultz uses isopropyl myristate, a common ingredient found in many cosmetic products, to dissolve the waxy shell of lice, which causes water loss from their bodies. And because it works differently from other commonly used lice treatments, it may work where others have failed.
You can buy Resultz over the counter at pharmacies nation-wide, meaning that you and your kids can say goodbye to those unwelcome visitors and get on with your day without the fuss.
Now that kids are back to school and since you’ll have more than enough to juggle, hair scares needn’t be one of them. Head lice are a common problem among preschoolers and school children, so now’s the perfect time to plan ahead for a quick and easy solution to get your childrens’ hair back to normal.
For moms who just don’t have time for head lice, Resultz is the fast-acting treatment that you can rely on.
For more information, visit
Head lice is a childhood inevitability? I’ve never had lice, and only knew 3 people who had them while I was growing up. Thanks for the recommendation though, because if my child ever does get them, I’m going to freak out so bad. I’ve never seen one – yuck! How long does it take to kill the lice, and does it also kill the nits?
Hi Crystal, Thanks so much for your comment. Unfortunately, Resultz does not kill nits—most head lice treatments don’t actually do that. Our recommendation is to utilize the product twice, which increases the chances of fulling removing nits. Each application takes only 10 minutes.