Giving Back, Family Style


We interrupt your shopping, baking and family-gathering-planning frenzy to let you know about an important way to bring the cheer back to the holidays: getting your family involved in the gift of giving to charities and the causes they support.

We know you know about Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but have you joined the Giving Tuesday movement yet? It comes the day after Cyber Monday and is dedicated to giving back in the midst of the holiday spending season. Started in 2012 in the US, and responsible for a significant increase in holiday giving, this is Canada’s first year celebrating Giving Tuesday and SavvyMom is proud to be on board as a partner.

We hope your family will join us. To motivate you into the giving spirit, we’ve put together 10 ideas to inspire your family. Why not sit down this week and decide what your family will do to give back on Giving Tuesday, December 3.

It’s just a week away and it’s a great way to start a new holiday tradition.

For some meaningful Giving Tuesday ideas, be sure to check out our gallery of 10 Ways to Give Back During the Holiday Season.


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