Give Them a Squeeze

SavvyMom April 12, 2016

LemonsWe’re loving the bright, fresh flavour of lemons this spring, as you can see in so many of our recipes in EatSavvy. And all this lemony goodness got me thinking about a few savvy tips and tricks for using lemons. (Call me cook-crazy but I do love to pull out the right technique for the fruit or vegetable in question from my bag of kitchen tricks.) So, without further ado, my top three lemon tips:

  1. To get the most juice out of a lemon, before you juice it, make sure it is at room temperature and roll it firmly on the countertop a few times to ‘loosen the juice’ (you can also microwave for 10 – 15 seconds, just make sure to prick the lemon with a fork first)
  2. If you don’t have a lemon juicer that can catch the seeds, no need to add that gadget to the kitchen cupboard—just hold a fork or your other hand over the bowl, which will ‘handily’ catch the seeds
  3. Too many lemons to use up? Zest them before they go bad—you can freeze zest for up to six months in freezer bags. (Or you could just let the kids toss one around like a baseball!)

Have some of your own lemon tips? I would love to hear them.

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