Fun Things to Do in Vancouver This Winter with Kids January 20, 2022
Things to Do in Vancouver this Winter - SavvyMom

You may be tempted to hibernate under a duvet in front of the TV for the rest of this winter, but chances are your kids’ energy levels won’t allow it. So we’ve compiled this list of fun things to do in Vancouver this winter with kids, so there’s no excuse not to get out there and make the best of the rest of the season.

Better yet, relish in it! Vancouver has some great places to skate, sled, ski, and play in the snow. Once everyone is all bundled up properly, spending time outdoors in winter can be a lot of fun. Bonus: afterwards, you’ve never deserved the hot cocoa more!

Here’s our master list of cold-weather activities to keep the kiddos busy this winter in Vancouver.

5 Things to Do in Vancouver this Winter

Go Tobogganing or Tubing

The thrill of tobogganing never gets old. Careening down a snowy slope while your stomach stays at the top, only to catch you at the bottom… it’s such a fun way to get out and enjoy nature with the kids in the winter. There are some really great options at Mount Seymour and Cypress Mountain for tobogganing in Vancouver (and snow tubing, for a price though) as well as some more affordable ways to enjoy the thrills of winter fun. So if you can’t decide which one to choose or where to go, we’re here to help. Here’s where to go tobogganing or tubing in Vancouver.

Go Skating

It’s the quintessential winter activity: gliding across the ice on a pair of freshly sharpened skates, snow on the trees, sun shining. And in some parts of Canada, ice skating is plentiful all year long; some people even make impromptu mini rinks in their back yards. But here in the temperate Vancouver region, snow is infrequent, let alone ice, so skating in Vancouver on local ponds or fields is out of the question. Luckily, there’s quite a few options – including three outdoor rinks – to let you get out and enjoy. Here’s where to go skating in Vancouver.

Go Hiking

There are plenty of local activities that may be off the menu right now (tennis might be a little tough these days), there are others that can be enjoyed all through the year – if you have the right gear. So get out the hiking shoes, pull on the rain coats, rustle up some warm toques and then check out some of these local family-friendly spots for winter hiking in Vancouver and the surrounding areas.

Go Skiing (or Snowboarding)

There’s never been a better year than this one to discover the hills close to home for the whole family. If you’ve never visited some of the local options – or you’re a long-time fan already looking forward to another visit – now’s a great time to plan for the winter ahead. Here’s a round-up of local options to get your family out the door in the coming months for some local winter activities.

Go Away

Looking for a fun family-friendly weekend getaway from Vancouver? Look no further! Here are six of our favourite quick getaways from Vancouver.

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