This Fun, Hands-On App for Kids Will Change the Way You See Play-Doh

Play Doh Touch Post 1

Like most little kids I know, my daughters ADORE Play-Doh. They create with it, they play games with it, they’re imaginative and engaged. It’s pretty great.

But did you know that Play-Doh has taken it up a notch to a whole different level of awesome?

I recently brought home the Play-Doh Touch Shape to Life Studio for my kids (ages 7, 5 and 3) to test out—and let’s just say it was a hit.

I explained to my kids that when they made a creation with their Play-Doh using the cut outs and stampers, they could then place it on the white ‘studio’ and scan it with the free app I downloaded for them. After that, they could watch their creation come to life.

They stared up at me, their cute little faces looking a touch confused. “Really?? It’ll come to life?” they asked.

When my 5-year-old first saw her little dinosaur creation animated on the iPad screen, I thought her eyes might pop out of her head. She giggled and squealed with delight as she maneuvered it around the screen.

And the fun and games don’t end there. You can add cool effects with the stampers to make your characters dance, spin, float and a lot more with things like balloons, wings, musical notes and other cut outs. Kids can use different colours, different shapes, different stampers—and each time get a different outcome in the app. The combinations are wide and varied.

You can also make your own creations yourself and the app will animate them with faces and limbs and set them to music.

In this day and age, technology is a part of our kids’ lives. So, it’s no surprise that Play-Doh has taken everything you love about it—the creativity and imaginative play—and adapted it for today’s lifestyle. One of the things I love most about the app is that once the character is on the screen, kids don’t have an elaborate game to play, but instead get to mix and match more Play-Doh creations to see what will happen next. Children can explore, discover and express themselves artistically while they play, rather than searching for a high score or levels to complete.

My kids got to be creative for hours on end. And I got to drink a hot cup of coffee, interrupted only by loud giggles.


Thank you to Hasbro for partnering with us on this very cool post!  

This was created in partnership with Hasbro, but all the opinions are mine—and in this case, my kids. We don’t tell you about products and services we don’t believe in. Parenting is hard enough as it is – no need to wade through extra info we don’t stand by.

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