From the Editor’s Desk


I don’€™t have five things to write about this week because there is one thing that has been on my mind that I can’€™t escape. That’€™s the memory of a beautiful and vivacious little girl named Georgia Walsh.
Most people may have heard about her tragic death last week in a traffic accident that has rocked our entire neighbourhood and city.

I am incapable of articulating my emotions because I can’€™t make sense of any of them. I cannot write about Georgia’€™s spirit because my words will never do her justice.

But I can share with you some observations and ways in which we can help’€”as I know this is what the community wants to do so badly.

Just three days before writing this a fundraising initiative was started on and already over $20,000 has been raised, with the goal being $30,000. Money raised will go back into the community’€”something permanent in the neighbourhood to honour Georgia’€™s memory. Anything raised beyond that will go to SickKids Hospital in Georgia’€™s name.

For those of you who have young children and are struggling with what to say to them, I found a helpful article on that addresses the very difficult topic of talking to your kids about death. It’€™s titled How to Talk to Your Preschooler about Death and buckets the information into two categories: a) what to expect at this age and b) how to explain death to them. I actually think the first part is the most enlightening because it will give you some insight into what is going on in their little minds and help you understand some of their reactions (or lack thereof). For older kids, this article might be helpful.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Walsh family.

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