Fly, Fly Away

SavvyMom June 20, 2016
Fly, Fly Away

The walls are closing in, the kids are climbing them (and so are you).
You need to get out of the house. If you’re lucky, you can get out of town.

Don’t be afraid to take that trip with the kids—we have ten great travel tips from some of our global Savvy Scouts covering babies to older kids that will give you the confidence you need if you are fortunate enough to have a flight in your future.

From Melbourne
1. Make sure your baby is thirsty/hungry at take off time so she will drink milk then. The sucking helps equalize ears and provides comfort from air pressure pain.

From San Francisco
2. Bring a package of ear plugs and offer them to the people around you. (Few will take them but the gesture will help establish goodwill when Jack shouts along to the Wiggles CD).

3. Wrap small ‘wheels up’ gifts for them to open when the plane takes off. New toys always work better than old ones (thank you, dollar store).

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