Family Fun in November in Ottawa & the Capital Region

Things to Do in Ottawa in November - SavvyMom

As temperatures get cooler, the days grow darker, and the clocks fall back, November steps out of the shadow of October to bring you some family fun in November in Ottawa and the Capital Region.

This month we’ve gathered events that will take you into the kitchen, look up at the skies, celebrate the arts and storytelling, and more.

Grab your calendars and save the dates for these events and activities in November in Ottawa:

Explore the Skies, Virtually

The Canada Aviation and Space Museum has created a virtual experience for families and throughout November you can register to participate in this unique story and activity time. Told through the story of famous Inuk bush pilot Johnny May, a museum guide takes the children on a snowy adventure to the North! Learn more about the program and how to register on their website.

This program is for children aged 3 to 6.

Take a Cooking Class

The Canada Agriculture and Food Museum is hosting virtual cooking classes and on November 7, you can sign up to make focaccia bread and dip! Recipes and ingredients for your shopping list will be provided in advance, and then you can log in virtually to enjoy this class (and taste the delicious results!) The hour long session is offered at 10 am in English and 1 pm in French.

Children aged 13 years old and younger are invited to participate but parental supervision is still required.

Cheer on the Home Team

Sports are in full swing in Ottawa and you have a lot of home games to choose from. Cheer on the REDBLACKS, or watch the Ottawa 67’s while they are on home ice.

If you are a big NHL fan, you likely are already wearing your Ottawa Senators jersey, but now you can get tickets to watch them live.

Experience the Ottawa Children’s Festival Mini Festival of the Arts

In a condensed version of their popular annual event, the Ottawa Children’s Festival is hosting a mini Festival of the Arts on November 19 until the 22nd at the Canadian War Museum. Get your tickets for live stage shows and interactive events.

The program is developed for kids ages 4 years old and older and includes puppet shows, theatre, music and more.

Enjoy the Children’s Storytelling Festival Online

Everyone has a story to tell, and your family can learn more during the Children’s Storytelling Festival. This event takes place online from November 22 until November 27. The event is six full days of online storytelling with bilingual programming and select sessions are with Indigenous storytellers. The full schedule is available on their website with programming for ages 2-12 years old.  Sessions are prerecorded and available for up to 30 days after the event if you miss your favourite one.

Look for the free workshops for teens and register your 8-12 year old or 13-17 year old before space books up.

Try a new bite

It’s no surprise that with school back in session, extra curriculars running again, and the holiday season coming up, families are finding themselves busier than we’ve been in a while. If you find yourself turning to takeout more often this month, it’s a great time to try a new bite! Whether you are looking for a delicious pizza, or a juicy burger, check out our foodie lists!

Just browse the food section of our site or search what you are looking for.

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