Family-Friendly Ways to Beat the Winter Blahs

Janice Quirt February 21, 2023
Beat Winter Blahs as a Family - SavvyMom

We’re in it now, aren’t we? Peak winter blahs season. And while moving to Australia is a nice thought, it apparently isn’t an option. And a Disney World vacation isn’t possible for everyone. That’s okay. We have some fun, low-cost ideas to help you get the family’s groove back during these grey weeks. Bye bye, blahs. We’re manufacturing our own sunshine. Here are some family-friendly ways to beat the winter blahs…

Beat the Winter Blahs as a Family

Vinyl Dance Party:

Trust us when we say that there is simply something better about holding a vinyl record, carefully putting it on a turntable, and cranking the tunes for a blahs-busting dance party. Whether it’s the Wiggles, Beach Boys, or Harry Styles, find something the whole family can groove to (or at least take turns playing favourites). Big, exuberant movements win here!

Neon Fashion Show:

Find the brightest clothes in everyone’s closets and start designing outfits for a colourful fashion show! Vibrant is in and we want to see the most epic colour combinations, complete with a strut down the catwalk.

Polaroid Session:

We’re all about the analogue, baby. Dust off or borrow a Polaroid or Instax camera, load some film, and have a creativity sustaining instant photography session! Grab some dollar store props and craft a cardboard frame to make your own photo booth. Divvy up the photos, put some up on the walls, and tuck a few special ones into an album for immediate memory keeping.

Greenhouse and Plant Shops:

We just missing seeing growing things, so when we need a boost we head for the greenhouse or plant shop. These locales are usually warm and full of leafy green things that make us feel alive again. If budget allows, buy the kids a wee plant to bring that lush life back home. Bonus – jot down some of the coolest plant names and look them up in a botanical encyclopaedia with lots of great vintage illustrations.

Postcards for Everyone:

Why save the postcards for when you go away? It’s great fun to shop for postcards – pick the weirdest ones of your hometown you can find, or go for the neat artistic offerings. Take the time to write a fun message and update to family and friends, and then go have a blast choosing the stamps (there are a variety on offer commemorating neat achievements). Enjoy plopping them in the mailbox – we’ll guarantee you’ll hear back from the lucky recipients.

Photo walk:

Take your phone or cameras and go for a walk in an interesting area – it could be a park, downtown, or a nature area. Snap pics of whatever catches your eye, from an empty playground slide to a spinning dryer at the Laundromat. Avoid taking photos of people and let the inanimate objects shine.

Have a campfire:

Use your woodstove, fireplace, or outdoor fire pit to host a campfire! Dress appropriately, enjoy the smell of wood smoke, and, of course, savour some hot chocolate and s’mores. Take turns telling stories or singing songs for the full campfire

Go for ice cream:

It may be winter, but we can still enjoy ice cream! Opt for the biggest creation you can find on the menu, from banana splits to enormous hot fudge sundaes with all of the topping. Grab a bunch of spoons and dive in!

Start planting flowers:

We can’t wait for spring flowers, and we can start the joy by ordering seeds to start indoors or planting bulbs in pots. Choose the colours and varieties that speak to you and get ready to reap the benefits when those gorgeous blooms emerge.

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