Ideas and Activities for Family Day Weekend in Ottawa

Family Day Weekend in Ottawa - SavvyMom

We understand how difficult the past few weeks have been for many in Ottawa and the Ottawa area. With the Family Day weekend approaching (Friday is a PD Day for many students and Monday is a holiday for a lot of residents as well), you may be looking to infuse a little fun into plans for the Family Day Weekend in Ottawa.

We’ve gathered a list of suggestions if you are looking for fun family time this long weekend. Given the unknown nature of everything happening in the city, and with pandemic restrictions still in place for certain activities, please enjoy your weekend while being safe!

Ideas & Activities for Family Day Weekend in Ottawa


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Visit Parc Omega for Winter Activities

While you may have visited Parc Omega in the spring, summer, or fall to feed the deer and elk, the winter provides a completely different, and yet familiar experience. Yes, you’ll still see your woodland friends and Canadian wildlife throughout your drive around the park, but in the winter you can also skate on their rink, go tubing, snowshoe, visit the sugar shack, and more. This is the perfect time of year to experience these new and exciting activities.

Go on a Family Hike

With several hiking locations in and around the Ottawa area (we have an entire post with locations), bundle up the family if the weather cooperates and pick a place for a family nature walk. Some locations are especially perfect for bird lovers! You’ll also want to visit the location websites to determine the condition of the trails.

Go on a road trip

There is still time to book a last minute trip and it doesn’t need to be to a location that’s very far away. There are many near-Ottawa places to visit with the kids within a short drive, no planes or trains required. Check out the family-friendly offerings at Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata, the weekend activities planned in Montreal, or take a short drive to Chateau Montebello to swim in their historic pool and play board games by the fire.

Take a Skate

There is likely only a short amount of time left to skate on our outdoor community rinks (if they aren’t refrigerated) or the Rideau Canal. If you haven’t gone skating yet this season, look in your local neighbourhood to find an easy-to-access rink, or check out one of the many exciting options like skating through a forest for a completely unique experience! Please note, some City of Ottawa rinks require reservations, and some privately owned rink experiences require tickets to be purchased online.

Enjoy the Weekend with a Big Bang

The Big Bang Festival at the National Arts Centre is this weekend, with virtual performances to enjoy. There’s a digital radio station, virtual dance hall and short films to keep everyone of all ages entertained. The event is entirely free.

Visit a Museum

As much as we know many families love a fun Ottawa winter outdoors, sometimes, we just want to take the kids to an indoor activity. The museums around Ottawa are always a popular destination for families with kids of all ages. While some are still closed currently, check out the Canada Science and Technology Museum, or if you still want a bit of the outdoors, the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum provides a both an indoor and outdoor experience.

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