Driving Us (Not So) Crazy

SavvyMom June 20, 2016

2064 km = the approximate driving distance between your house and your vacation destination.

4 km = the distance covered before you hear “How much longer?”

Well move over Julie McCoy, because we’ve got some easy entertainment for the vacation drive that will save you a trip to the chiropractor (you know, from contorting over your seat to hand them stuff to do).

We love the Alex Car Valet because it keeps the fun stuff easily at hand for your passengers and provides a fold-down work surface for them to play on. (Available at www.indigo.ca, $26.95)

If you are at a loss for what to stuff into the Car Valet, here are a few activities we think are really neat (and we do mean both interesting and not messy)!

If they haven’t met them already at school, introduce your kids to Wikki Stix. Think sticky, but not messy, colourful pipe cleaners. The reason they are so fantastic for the car is that they easily (but not permanently) stick together and to other stuff. They are less likely to drop out of reach mid-activity and are great for sticking to your in-car easel (read: passenger window) to create fantastic, temporary works of art. (Available at www.scholarschoice.ca, $29.99)

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