DIY: How to Make Snowball Pom-Poms

Jan Scott December 12, 2016
DIY: How to Make Snowball Pom-Poms

Three out of the four people in my house have a birthday in the first three weeks of January. Not only do we usually have festivity fatigue by the time the New Year begins, but also the weather is a huge deterrent when it comes to creative party planning. As it happens, my birthday comes around first and this year it was far too cold to do anything. So we sat inside by the fire, ate a simple dinner, watched movies and devoured birthday cake. Personally, I have no complaints about this. In fact, it was ideal as far as I’€™m concerned. But my youngest son, the last of us to celebrate turning another year older this month, is always looking for a party with plenty of fun included.
I’€™m a big fan of using the weather to our advantage, and have organized skating, sledding and outdoor winter Olympics parties. Here at SavvyMom we took the cool conditions that come with January into consideration when we created our popular Penguin party, an admittedly unique theme, but one that was met with great enthusiasm. And this year I have no doubt that plenty of little ones will be embracing the winter weather in preparation for a Frozen-themed party.

If you are planning a party for this month or even next, I have the easiest DIY to share with you today. These snowball pom-poms require three simple items to make, and they can be used to jazz up any frosty fete, regardless of the theme in place (Penguins? Check. Frozen? Check. Snowing? Sledding? Check and check!).

DIY: How to Make Snowball Pom-Poms

Here’€™s how to make them:


  • Bulky-weight white yarn
  • A fork with four tines (for assorted size balls use several forks in varying sizes)
  • Scissors


  • Wrap the yarn around the tines of a fork until you’€™ve reached the desired thickness of the pom-pom.
  • Thread a piece of yarn through the middle tine, below the ball of wrapped yarn you’€™ve created, and tie the ball of yarn in half with a tight knot.
  • Slide the ball of yarn off the fork and cut the loops on both sides.
  • Spread out the yarn and fluff the balls, trimming the uneven pieces, if desired.

So, now that you have a bunch of snowballs in hand, what do you do with them? I have three ideas:

1. Use them to create an indoor snowball fight. Give each child a bucket of snowballs and encourage them to try and hit their opponents with their soft snowballs.
2. Paint a large snowman onto a piece of cardboard or foam core, and cut a hole in the middle of the body. Give kids the snowballs and have them play a snowball toss game by trying to throw their balls into the hole in the middle of the snowman.
3. Thread the snowballs onto string, yarn, or baker’€™s twine, and make a snowball garland for decorating around the party space.

Tell us, are you planning a winter birthday party this year? If so, what’€™s the theme of the celebration?

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