The Mess-Free Way for Kids to Colour Anywhere

The Mess-Free Way for Kids to Colour Anywhere

We’re pretty sure that, if left totally unattended, our kids would go full Banksy and draw on the walls, stairs, and ceiling—everywhere. They’d just find a way. Kids are creative.

It’s all well and fine for them to discover their creative tendencies and explore the world of art and colour….just not on our white walls and tabletops, pretty please.

But now, thanks to Crayola’s Color Wonder products, you can let them unleash their inner Pollock without any fear. Because Color Wonder markers and paints only work on special paper. The inks and paints work beautifully on the Color Wonder colouring pages, and should your kid go right over the edge, no marks are left behind.

It’s a unique, patented mess-free colouring system that’s perfect for those still fine tuning their motor skills, aka the three to five-year-old set. And, the special markers and paints won’t colour on skin, walls, furniture or fabric. Hallelujah. Because nothing strikes fear into our hearts like the sight of a wild-eyed toddler, standing in the living room, holding an uncapped marker. (We’ve done negotiations that would impress the United Nations).

Of course, since it’s Crayola, the Color Wonder products are nontoxic and safe for kids to use—there’s no other way since kids have a natural knack for putting things where they don’t belong. Plus, you can choose colouring books to match your kids’ interests—Paw Patrol anyone?

Color Wonder Products

Since Color Wonder is so mess-free and only colours on the special paper, we can see it working beautifully in the car on road trips, in restaurants, in waiting rooms—wherever your busy life takes you.

Crayola’s assortment of Color Wonder products are available at all major retailers, but can also be found on Crayola’s online store. Moms love that it’s all magic, no mess.

Colour on, baby Picasso. Colour on.


This post was brought to you by Crayola but the images and opinions are our own.

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