8 Calgary Christmas Markets You Can Shop Virtually in 2020

Kayla Young January 2, 2021
Christmas shopping online

This year, shopping local for Christmas means more than ever. While the opportunity to attend many of your favourite Christmas Markets in person might be a no-go, a handful of markets have taken their collection of vendors online, meaning you can not only get your Christmas shopping done in your PJs at home, but you can also continue to support local vendors while doing it. In 2020, we’re calling that a win. Here’s our list of 8 Calgary markets you can shop online this Christmas season – happy clicking!

Little Modern Market | littlemodernmarket.com
Dates: November 21-28

Little Modern Market has long been one of our family’s favourite spots to do our holiday shopping, and this year, they’ve moved their experience online! The LMM website is easy to shop, with vendors organized into categories including Children and Baby, Health and Beauty, Clothing and Accessories, Home and Decor, Paper, Art, Food and Drink, and Pets. Each link takes you directly to the vendor’s website (so shipping rates and times will be specific to each vendor). Use the code LMMHOLIDAY at checkout to receive posted discounts from various vendors.

Made In Local Shops | localshops.com
Dates: Ongoing

Whatever product you’re searching for, there’s a good chance that Made In Local Shops – a Calgary-born website showcasing Alberta-made products – has it. Whether you’re shopping for the foodie on your list or are looking for some handcrafted home decor items, everything you’ll find on this website supports individuals here in Alberta using their creativity to make a living. The website is divided into categories including Home and Garden, Apparel, Accessories, Food and Drink, Electronics and More.

MARKT. By Spruce Meadows | sprucemeadows.com
Dates: Ongoing

There’s no market more magical than the Spruce Meadows International Christmas Market, and together with Telus, they’re working hard to bring some of that sparkle to their reimagined online experience. With over 220 vendors and thousands of products to explore, if you cozy up with some hot chocolate, pretty lights, and Christmas carols, you can have almost as much fun as you would at the real deal. They’ve organized their vendors and products into handy categories such as product type, “Gifts for Guys”, “Gifts Under $25” and more, which is sure to make shopping a breeze.

New Brighton Christmas Market | newbrighton-connect.com
Dates: November 20 – 27

The New Brighton Residents Association has rounded up 22 local vendors including authors, artists, designers home sales and more to bring their products online. Each link takes you directly to the vendor you are purchasing from, so shipping rates and dates will be dependent on the individual business.

Century Hall Market | cranstonra.ca
Dates: November 21 – 27

The Cranston Residents Association has a lineup of 38 local vendors selling a huge variety of products such as clothing, accessories, skincare and beauty items, pet food, artwork, home decor, and more. Products can be viewed on the website and sellers contacted via e-mail to arrange for purchase and pickup.

Etsy Calgary | etsycalgary.com 
Dates: December 4-6

Etsy Calgary will be providing a list of local Etsy sellers who will be bringing their wares your way in time for Christmas! The event hasn’t gone live yet, but keep your eyes peeled for an update coming soon. You can also check their Facebook page for information. You can also use a dedicated coupon code with participating sellers to do a curbside pick up of your purchases on December 12th, 2020 at Golden Acre Home & Garden, making sure you get everything in time for Christmas.

Christmas In The Country Art Sale | leightoncentre.org
Dates: Until December 23

If you’ve got an art lover on your Christmas list, Leighton Art Centre has some beautiful, one of a kind pieces available for purchase online. With over 100 artists to view, you’re sure to find an incredible work of art to wrap up this Christmas. Shipping is available within Canada only, and ceramics and glass are currently not available for shipping. Arrival in the mail before Christmas can’t be guaranteed, although you may pick up your order by December 23 at Leighton Art Centre. They also have additional pieces available in house.

Art Market Art and Craft Sale | artmarketcraftsale.com
Dates: Ongoing

Calgary’s premier art and craft sale is now available online! Although the market dates have passed, a profile for each artisan is available online, with a direct link to their website where you can purchase their creations. jewelry, artwork, delicious treats, floral arrangements, pottery, wine, clothing, toys, and more make up this extensive gallery of over 100 vendors.

Do you know of any other online markets that we missed? We’d love to hear them in the comments. The more the merrier!


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