Safe Schooling

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

As moms, we worry about our children’s safety when they go out into the world on their own. No matter how your kids get to school—either by bus, bike, skateboard, walking, or a warm car, our enthusiastic back-to-schoolers need to be street smart and traffic aware.
Tucked away behind Glenmore Pool in the SW is a place called Safety City.

Safety City offers a program geared toward 4 to 6 year-olds, set in a fun learning environment that includes a miniature city with crosswalks, streets, traffic lights, train tracks and classrooms. The program consists of two parts, and starts indoors with children learning the signs and lights of the roads, as well as the proper method to safely cross the street. The second half of the program sees them going outside into the miniature city and taking turns practicing being both a pedestrian and a safe ‘driver’ on their tricycles. As it is Safety City, all participants must bring their own bike helmet from home.

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