Hearty Calgarians know that April can sneak in the odd surprise (read: snowstorm, dry winds) which is why we think it’s a great month to put your spring energy to use inside the house. And there’s nothing like a fresh coat of paint as an easy and inexpensive (think do-it-yourself) way to breathe new life into a space that’s looking a little tired from a long winter of family fun.
Inspired by Earth Day this week, and looking to reduce the chem factor in our homes, we set out to find nature-friendly paint products to complement our cheap and cheerful project plans and are excited to report that there are a number of eco-friendly options in the city.
The simplest option is to look for zero VOC paint. VOC stands for Volatile Organic Compounds and refers primarily to solvents in paint that off-gas into our homes often creating more pollution inside than out. Several companies carry zero VOC paint including Canadian manufacturer Sico, Pittsburgh Paint Pure Performance and Sherwin-Williams. Available at Paint Direct.
If you want to go one step safer, check out Riva’s The Eco Store. They carry zero VOC paints such as Yolo Colorhouse and milk paint from Old Fashioned Milk Paint Co. (made from casein milk protein). Another interesting option is the natural clay paint from Green Planet Paints. Keep in mind these are specialty products and you will want to get some application instructions. All of Riva’s paint has been certified by Green Seal.
Let’s not forget about the importance of choosing the right colour. Room 4 Refinement’sfounder and chief designer, Cat Hackman, recommends looking to the sky (on a good day) for inspiration. Apparently all shades of blue are fashion forward this spring. Still not sure? Room 4 Refinement offers a design consultation service to help you freshen up.
Now going green has a whole new meaning.
Paint Direct
Riva’s The Eco Store
Room 4 Refinement
Tagged under: Spring,eco,green living,Color,paint,earth,zero voc,decorate
Category: shopping