Nutrition Know-How

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Its official, the holiday season is over. We made allowances for the Twelve Days of Christmas (Day 12 was January 5), and the big Ukrainian Christmas feast on January 6. But that’s it—game over. It’s time to purge the fridge of eggnog and get healthy again.
So we contacted local dietician and nutritionist Katie McCulloch to get some advice on feeding our family in 2011. Here are her top five tips for a healthy and happy New Year.

Eat Breakfast
Kick start your metabolism and increase your energy level by eating a healthy breakfast (the most important meal of the day) within one hour of waking. Skip this meal and you will likely face fatigue, distraction and cravings later in the day.

Make sure each meal contains a source of protein, grain or starch, fruit and/or vegetable.

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