Happy, Healthy Home


Family-friendly and eco-friendly don’t always go hand in hand, which often results in a fair amount of mommy guilt. From disposable diapers to individually packaged snacks, it’s not always easy for moms on-the-go to make the best choices for our world (and sometimes it’s difficult to know which choice is better).

Fortunately to help us with all this, Green Calgary recently launched a new program that we can’t recommend enough. Healthy Homes Calgary is designed to help families create a healthy living environment while reducing your carbon footprint.

To participate in Healthy Homes, you must apply at Green Calgary’s website. From there you will be contacted to arrange a date for your home inspection.

The inspection is comprised of three parts. First, the inspectors interview you on your habits such as what type of cleaners you purchase, whether or not you compost and what type of lawn mower you use. They will also ask to look at a recent energy bill to assess your day to day practices.

Second, they inspect the plumbing, appliances, furnace, windows, doors and electronics that contribute to your ever-popular rising energy bill, then provide recommendations and strategies on how to run your home more efficiently. Reduce your costs and reduce your impact on the environment, everyone wins in this game. No visit is complete without a free composter and rain barrel.

We were surprised to learn in our inspection that biodegradable bags (for food or pet waste) are hazardous in a landfill. Save them exclusively for your backyard composter. We also found out there are easy solutions to blocking drafts from our wood burning fireplace that can be picked up at any home improvement store. And, that our eco-friendly laundry detergent wasn’t so green after all.

After a couple of hours discussing Mother Nature, you put pen to paper and sign a contract agreeing to do your best to make more eco-friendly choices. Your inspector shakes your hand and promises to return in a couple of months to check on your progress.

Clean Calgary is a registered charity and the Healthy Homes program is provided free of charge as a result of corporate and government sponsorship as well as private donations. Once the word gets out, it’s likely to be in high demand so get in line now.

Kick the mom guilt and take your first baby step toward an eco-friendly home. Your family will benefit from exposure to fewer toxins, greater disposable income with reduced energy bills and the knowledge that everyone has the power to make the world a healthier place one household at a time.

How to Find

Green Calgary
[email protected]
(403) 230-1443

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