Calm the Chaos

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

How many baskets, boxes, hooks and nooks do you have to keep your clutter under control…and how much of your clutter still ends up on the floor?
It’s time to get organized with a little help from Les is More (get it, less stuff equals more time). Owner, and mother of two boys, Leslie Beliveau is not only streamlined and organized in her own home, but she has also dedicated her professional time to helping busy families ditch excess and organize essentials.

Les is More often tackles high-need areas such as mud rooms, storage rooms, closets, basements, home offices and study areas. She will shop for simple storage solutions and remove items for donation as well. A basic consultation costs approximately $60 and contracted work beyond that is then charged at the same hourly rate, which seems to us like a small price to pay for additional household calm and control.

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