Calgary: The Savvy Guide to December

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

This month, we’re thankful for the joys of the season and we’re looking for ways to give gifts that keep on giving and to help our children appreciate the other side of the holidays (the giving side, that is, not the getting side). Here are a few ways to help you get started, with this month’s charitable-themed guide to December:

One (or more) of Lily’s adorable and artistic bookmarks.
Why? Because if a four year old is working hard to raise money for Children’s Wish Foundation the least we can do is support her, don’t you think?

Contribute to the SavvyMom Holiday Crib Campaign and help SickKids replace its aging crib mattresses. We’re 30% of the way towards our goal of raising $20,000. And thank you to the over 120 Savvymoms who have given so far!
Why? Because every child deserves to rest easy, especially if they are staying in the hospital over the holidays.

A DAK game at home and spread the vibe (DAK stands for Deliberate Act of Kindness).
Why? Because kindness is contagious and we need to start spreading much, much more of it. Colourful dakbands provide a fun, easy and measurable way to do that, while benefitting several different charities and non-profit organizations. They also make great stocking stuffers.

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