Food for Thought

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

It’s said that good food is wise medicine, and we all want to provide the best for our families. We shop at the local farmers’€™ market, we buy organic when we can and we read food labels. But if you want some extra inspiration in the kitchen, you should take a cooking class. Grab a couple of friends or your beloved and let the learning (and fun) begin!
The Cookbook Co. Cooks has both hands-on and demonstration classes on a daily basis, offering topics that range from gluten-free baking to French farmhouse menus. Their Saturday night couples’€™ evening class books out early and gives date night a twist. You can master new recipes and skills, enjoy a gourmet dinner, (with wine pairings) and meet like-minded people. Classes run for two and a half hours with prices starting at $85 per person. The instructors are experts in their fields, and are often found moonlighting in their own restaurants’ kitchens.

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