Don’t Stop the Love


Since it’s all about the love this week, we thought we’d remind you of the importance of a little tune-up in the love department. Because we know that expanding families and the chaos of children aren’t always easy on our relationships.

When we’re feeling disconnected from our partner, we turn to The Relationship Resource to baby-proof our marriage. Local mom of two, registered nurse and member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, Amy Marshall helps couples through all the ups and downs with marriage counselling and perinatal therapy.

Couples counselling offers a chance for parents to learn important tools to help rebuild their relationship, and private counseling can help expecting or new moms deal with the anxieties of early parenting.

The overall goal is to achieve a happy, balanced home. Once any concerns are aired, you and your husband will feel better equipped to bond with all your kids.

While you’re making Valentines for the whole class, don’t forget to make a special one for the biggest kid in the house.

Show your spouse you care with our 15 Ways to Show the Love this Valentine’s Day.

Image of couple from Shutterstock.


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